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I am using windows 8.1 64 bit and using processing 64 bit. I am using procontroll library for interfacing xbox and arduino but I am getting error in this command "controll = ControllIO.getInstance(this);" that NoSuchMethodError
Please help me over this issue asap
never mind, sorry, stupid me...
Insufficient info for an accurate reply but it seems that the most likely thing is that
does not reprent an object of type PApplet or a child class of PApplet.@quark this is the code
So your code now works and you are not getting the error you first reported. That is good news. :)
No not really. That some other person who did it.
this might be a clue - newer versions of processing don't extend PApplet.
which version of processing are you using?
i wouldn't recommend using v3 of processing whilst it's still in beta.
I tried v3 32 bit, v3 64 bit and v2 64 bit nothing working
He means 1.5.1, 2.2.1 or 3.0 NOT 32/64 bit