How to find a particular function source code in Processing's GitHub repository

edited September 2015 in Using Processing

I'm trying to find out how does the sphere() function work. I've searched the repository, but I wasn't able to find any functions source code at all. Is there any special folder where all the functions are? Thank you for your time in advance.


  • Your first stop should be the PApplet class:

    Doing a ctrl+f on "sphere" shows this:

    public void sphere(float r) {
        if (recorder != null) recorder.sphere(r);

    That g variable is of type PGraphics:

    Doing another ctrl+f of "sphere" gives you this:

    public void sphere(float r) {
        if ((sphereDetailU < 3) || (sphereDetailV < 2)) {
        // 1st ring from south pole
        for (int i = 0; i < sphereDetailU; i++) {
          normal(0, -1, 0);
          vertex(0, -r, 0);
          normal(sphereX[i], sphereY[i], sphereZ[i]);
          vertex(r * sphereX[i], r * sphereY[i], r * sphereZ[i]);
        normal(0, -r, 0);
        vertex(0, -r, 0);
        normal(sphereX[0], sphereY[0], sphereZ[0]);
        vertex(r * sphereX[0], r * sphereY[0], r * sphereZ[0]);
        int v1,v11,v2;
        // middle rings
        int voff = 0;
        for (int i = 2; i < sphereDetailV; i++) {
          v1 = v11 = voff;
          voff += sphereDetailU;
          v2 = voff;
          for (int j = 0; j < sphereDetailU; j++) {
            normal(sphereX[v1], sphereY[v1], sphereZ[v1]);
            vertex(r * sphereX[v1], r * sphereY[v1], r * sphereZ[v1++]);
            normal(sphereX[v2], sphereY[v2], sphereZ[v2]);
            vertex(r * sphereX[v2], r * sphereY[v2], r * sphereZ[v2++]);
          // close each ring
          v1 = v11;
          v2 = voff;
          normal(sphereX[v1], sphereY[v1], sphereZ[v1]);
          vertex(r * sphereX[v1], r * sphereY[v1], r * sphereZ[v1]);
          normal(sphereX[v2], sphereY[v2], sphereZ[v2]);
          vertex(r * sphereX[v2], r * sphereY[v2], r * sphereZ[v2]);
        // add the northern cap
        for (int i = 0; i < sphereDetailU; i++) {
          v2 = voff + i;
          normal(sphereX[v2], sphereY[v2], sphereZ[v2]);
          vertex(r * sphereX[v2], r * sphereY[v2], r * sphereZ[v2]);
          normal(0, 1, 0);
          vertex(0, r, 0);
        normal(sphereX[voff], sphereY[voff], sphereZ[voff]);
        vertex(r * sphereX[voff], r * sphereY[voff], r * sphereZ[voff]);
        normal(0, 1, 0);
        vertex(0, r, 0);
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