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Hello all, Im trying to run a code on my computer (win8.1, x64) using Processing 3.0b6 I downloaded today. It doesnt work, but this the same code works on my old computer (win7 SP1, x86) using Processing 2.2.1. When I try to execute the code, nothing happens neither the presentation windows, console or erros tab appears.
Could someone say how to fix it? Thanks in a advanced!
The code is below:
import processing.serial.*; Serial myPort; // The serial port float acc_roll=0, acc_pitch=0, acc_yaw=0, gyr_roll=0, gyr_pitch=0, gyr_yaw=0, roll=0, pitch=0, yaw=0; PFont f; void setup() { size(800, 800, P3D); try { myPort = null; myPort = new Serial(this, "COM3", 9600); myPort.bufferUntil('\n'); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } f = createFont("Arial", 16, true); } void draw() { background(255); stroke(175); // line(0,height/2,width,height/2); // line(width/2,0,width/2,height); textFont(f); fill(0); //TEXTS textAlign(CENTER); //ACCELEROMETER text("ACCELEROMETER",width/4,height/32); text("Roll",width/8,height/16); text(acc_roll,width/8,height/16+15); text("Pitch",width/4,height/16); text(acc_pitch,width/4,height/16+15); text("Yaw",3*width/8,height/16); text(acc_yaw,3*width/8,height/16+15); //GYROSCOPE text("GYROSCOPE",3*width/4,height/32); text("Roll",5*width/8,height/16); text(gyr_roll,5*width/8,height/16+15); text("Pitch",3*width/4,height/16); text(gyr_pitch,3*width/4,height/16+15); text("Yaw",7*width/8,height/16); text(gyr_yaw,7*width/8,height/16+15); //FILTRATED (Fusion) text("FILTRATED (Fusion)",width/2,15*height/32); text("Roll",3*width/8,height/2); text(roll,3*width/8,height/2+15); text("Pitch",width/2,height/2); text(pitch,width/2,height/2+15); text("Yaw",5*width/8,height/2); text(yaw,5*width/8,height/2+15); //DRAWING fill(0,0,139); //ACCELEROMETER pushMatrix(); translate(width/4, height/4); rotateX(acc_roll/55); rotateY(acc_pitch/55); rotateZ(acc_yaw/55); box(100,200,10); // box(64,98,1); popMatrix(); //GYROSCOPE pushMatrix(); translate(3*width/4, height/4); rotateX(gyr_roll/55); rotateY(gyr_pitch/55); rotateZ(gyr_yaw/55); box(100,200,10); popMatrix(); //FILTRATED (Fusion) pushMatrix(); translate(width/2, 22*height/32); rotateX(roll/55); rotateY(pitch/55); rotateZ(yaw/55); box(100,200,10); popMatrix(); } void serialEvent(Serial myPort) { String inString = myPort.readString(); float[] vals = float(split(inString,";")); acc_roll=vals[0]; acc_pitch=vals[1]; acc_yaw=vals[2]; gyr_roll=vals[3]; gyr_pitch=vals[4]; gyr_yaw=vals[5]; // roll=vals[6]; // pitch=vals[7]; // yaw=vals[8]; }
P.S.: The way your code is, it can even work under the old Processing 1.5.1! ;))