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In my web project I am using p5.js to create a sketch. I have included in my project two other javascript files with each containing a prototype. here is what these external prototype looks like:
var gridBlock = function(x, y) {
this.xLoc = x;
this.yLoc = y;
gridBlock.prototype.getXloc = function() {
return this.xLoc;
gridBlock.prototype.setXloc = function(newXloc) {
this.xLoc = newXloc;
gridBlock.prototype.getYloc = function() {
return this.yLoc;
gridBlock.prototype.setYloc = function(newYloc) {
this.yLoc = newYloc;
var grid = function(xStart, yStart, gWidth, gHight, blockWidth) {
this.xStart = xStart;
this.yStart = yStart;
this.gWidth = gWidth;
this.gHight = gHight;
this.blockWH = blockWidth; // width and hight of a grid block
this.numRows = this.gWidth / this.blockWH;
this.numCols = this.gHight / this.blockWH;
this.blocks = new Array(this.numRows);
for (i = 0; i < this.numRows; i++) {
this.blocks[i] = new Array(this.numCols);
for (i = 0; i < this.numRows; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < this.numCols; j++) {
this.blocks[i][j] = new gridBlock(this.xStart + i * this.blockWH, this.yStart + j * this.blockWH);
strokWeight = in pixels
strokeColor = 'red', 50, color(10,20,10)
blockColor = 'red', 50, color(10,20,10)
grid.prototype.drawGrid = function(strokeWeight, strokeColor, blockColor) {
for (i = 0; i < this.numRows; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < this.numCols; j++) {
fill(blockColor); // ERROR
rect(this.blocks[i][j].getXloc(), this.blocks[i][j].getYloc(), this.blockWH, this.blockWH);
in my sketch.js file, I create an instance of grid, then I call drawGrid() to draw the grid from within the draw function in sketch.js:
var mySketch = function (s) {
var myCanvas;
var myGrid;
s.preload = function () {
s.setup = function () {
var xWidth = 800;
var yHight = 600;
myCanvas = s.createCanvas(xWidth, yHight);
myGrid = new grid(10, 100, 200, 200, 50);
s.draw = function () {
s.background(0, 102, 153);
var mySketch_one = new p5(mySketch, 'myContainer2');
When I run my project, I get the following error: TypeError: fill is not a function.
this happends at the third line of my grid.prototype.drawGrid method. (line 31)
Can somebody help me to figure this out.
I appreciate your help!
@GoToLoop: Thanks for the information!
I am new to both p5.js and the JavaScript. Can you give me an example on how to request p5's reference as an extra constructor's parameter?
That's the same technique any Java Mode 3rd-party library does.
And the same approach used in your own sketch, where parameter s holds sketch's reference.
You just need to pass that very same reference to any external classes needing to access p5's API:
Thank you so much!