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After backing the Electric Objects EO1 Kickstarter project last year, I got my EO1 a couple weeks ago. Both p5 and the EO1’s software will continue to develop, but at this point I’m finding that p5.js version 0.4.2 will run on the EO1, while 0.4.3 through 0.4.9 will not.
That said, my p5 sketches seem more stable on the device than my Processing.js ones. Both are very slow on the EO1 compared to my three-year-old Mac Mini, but Electric Objects says speeds should increase as they improve their software.
Adapting code for the EO1 couldn't be easier in p5. In the HTML, you can use p5’s default style settings:
body {padding: 0; margin: 0;} canvas {vertical-align: top;}
In the sketch’s setup() function, set size with:
UPDATE 3/26/2016:
The Electric Objects 'Make Art for EO1' page now says this: "We have not tested all Javascript graphics frameworks and we encourage our artists to experiment but we know p5.js is not supported today, please use processing.js instead. But for the best results use pure WebGL."