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Hey everyone,
I download p5.js complete and I was folowing the get started tutorial. But I seriues don't understand this tutorial.
Because my windows 8 pc can not open js files and I don't understand what the tutorial maens with this:
Open Sublime. Go to the File menu and choose Open... and choose the folder that your html and js files are located in. On the left sidebar, you should now see the folder name at the top, with a list of the files contained in the folder directly below. Click on your sketch.js file and it will open on the right where you can edit it.
Opening the sketch is for me impossible.
Is there someone who can explain to me how I use p5.js and how to open js files ?? Thanks so much !!!
Greetins Marijn
which part?
all it's telling you is how to open .js files within Sublime Text.