Draw an array of objects left to right, move to the beginning of "next line" after Nth object

edited September 2015 in How To...

Hello. New to the forums and processing.js. The title probably doesn't explain well what I'm trying to do, I wasn't sure how to formulate it better. Sorry about that.

I'm drawing books (rectangle, title, star rating), left to right. Each book is an object in an array. Right now, the books are drawing like this:

1 2 3 4 5 6 ...

What I'd like to do is have the code draw 4 books left to right, then move the 5th book down some amount of pixels and to the X position of book 1. Like this.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10, 11

I've tried fiddling with nested loops and split(), to no avail. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.



  • edited September 2015
    // book shelf
    // global vars 
    color[][] colors = new color[8][8];
    // MAIN functions  
    void setup() {
      // init 
      size(660, 660);
      // init 
      for (int y=0; y < colors.length; y++) { 
        for (int x=0; x < colors.length; x++) {
          colors[x][y]= color(255, 0, 0);
      showAGrid(colors, 28);
    void draw() {
      // empty
    // Tools 
    void showAGrid(color[][] colorsLocal, int xOffSet) {
      // distance between  
      int distanceCell = 41; 
      // size of a cell 
      int sizeCellX = 19;
      int sizeCellY = 27;
      // nested for loop
      for (int y=0; y < colorsLocal.length; y++) { 
        for (int x=0; x < colorsLocal.length; x++) 
          rect(x*distanceCell+xOffSet, y*distanceCell+18, 
          sizeCellX, sizeCellY);
  • ah, this is processing, not js

    adapt it....


  • Answer ✓

    there is a tutorial on 2 dimensional arrays (a grid like a checcboard)

  • Alrighty. Thanks for the tip.

  • the core is line 42 and 43

    those are row and column number

    you can multiply them with distanceCell to have a grid (distance between cells)

    you then can add something to have a border to the screen (x: xOffSet and y: 18)

  • // book shelf: 1D array (list) - displayed in a grid 
    // global vars 
    color[] colors = new color[25];
    // MAIN functions  
    void setup() {
      // init 
      size(660, 660);
      // init 
      for (int y=0; y < colors.length; y++) { 
        colors[y]= color(255, y*9, 0);
      // show it 
    void draw() {
      // empty
    // Tools 
    void showAGrid(int xOffSet) {
      // distance of the cells  
      int distanceCell = 41;
      // size of a cell  
      int sizeCellX = 19;
      int sizeCellY = 27;
      int i=1;
      int xScreen=xOffSet;
      int yScreen=18;
      // one for-loop
      for (int x=0; x < colors.length; x++) {
        rect(xScreen, yScreen, 
        sizeCellX, sizeCellY);
        text(i, xScreen+3, yScreen+16);
        // just move to the right 
        xScreen = xScreen + distanceCell;
        // after 5 times: new line
        if ((x>0) && (i%5==0)) {
          xScreen=xOffSet;   // back to left side again
          yScreen=yScreen + distanceCell;  //  new line
        } // if
      } // for
    } // func 
  • this new version has not a 2D array colors, but a 1D array (a List)

    Hence the for-loop is a simple for-loop not a nested for-loop

    the line-feed is done by xScreen and yScreen which you just have to give the correct values (see above)

  • Thanks for all your input. A lot to chew on for a beginner :). Reading up on 2d arrays right now. I'll go over your code shortly.

  • it's not much

    just ask if you need something


  • edited September 2015

    Success. Ended up using 1D array (2nd example). This is the result

    Trying to draw the star rating in the same manner was giving me a headache. I first had to group the stars, then spread them out... and this line xScreen /*in my project it's starX*/ = xOffSet
    was no longer working, so I had to use starX -= 400 to get the groups of stars to line up at the beginning of the shelf (took me a while).

    I also had to change
    if((x > 0) && (i % 0 == 5))
    if((x > 0) && (i % 4 === 3))
    Not sure why (fyi, KA doesn't accept ==).

    Thanks for the help.

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