We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
From early on in the life, G4P had the capability to create multiple windows and the user could specify what to do when someone clicked on the red button/cross on the window menu bar. Those options are
a) Ignore and keep the G4P window open
b) Close the G4P window
c) Exit the application
There is also the option to define an on-close-handler method to process any data (e.g. save it to disk) when the window was closed i.e. option (b) above.
My question is this:
Should this method be executed when the G4P window is using option (c), in other words the application is exited?
I can see an argument for both cases and I am trying to decide which to use in the next version of G4P (PS3 compatible) I am working on.
Your thoughts are welcome. ~O) :-?
Hmn... interesting question. Personally, I would rename the callback method to something like on-user-clicked-close-handler and don't execute it when option (c) is beeing used.
G4P GWindow class has a method called
addOnCloseHandler (object, method-name)
so the user specifies the name of the callback method and the object that handles it. I have been thinking about this and have decided that, as you suggest, it is only executed with option (b). This will mean it will behave the same as the current version of G4P.
Thanks for your feedback :)
No problem! Great I could help. Looking forward to G4P's release. ;)