A free DEM of the whole world called GTOPO30 (30 arcsecond resolution, approx. 1 km) is available, but its quality is variable and in some areas it is very poor. A much higher quality DEM from the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) instrument of the Terra satellite is also freely available for 99% of the globe, and represents elevation at 30 meter resolution.
maybe you can post the data of one square kilometer here and we have a look ;-)
My aim is to sonify terrain elevation data coming from a delimited area I chose. I thought it could be possible converting DSM/DEM data to sound.
I also thought about printing a 3d map out of that data, looking around online i found it can be possible to print a 3d model out of elevation data. I'd prefer DSM.
Surfaces represented by a Digital Surface Model (DSM) include buildings and other objects. Digital Terrain Models represent the bare ground.
I'm checking those sites you wrote and try to start something out of it.
// acd 2015-09-22 p1.5.1
// heightmap using data from
// www.viewfinderpanoramas.org/Coverage map viewfinderpanoramas_org3.htm
import peasy.*;
import processing.opengl.*;
PeasyCam cam;
String FILE = "S09W079.hgt";
int W = 1201;
int H = 1201;
short[][] data;
void setup() {
size(640, 480, OPENGL);
cam = new PeasyCam(this, 1000);
data = load(FILE);
void draw() {
//translate(-width / 2, -height / 2);
for (int y = 0 ; y < H ; y += 10) {
for (int x = 0 ; x < W ; x += 10) {
point(x - (W / 2), -data[x][y] / 20, y - (H / 2));
short[][] load(String filename) {
// load the bytes into the array
byte[] b = loadBytes(filename);
// and copy them into the data array, two at a time
short[][] data = new short[W][H];
int index = 0;
for (int y = 0 ; y < H ; y++) {
for (int x = 0 ; x < W ; x++) {
// messy
int b0 = b[index];
b0 = b0 >= 0 ? b0 : 256 + b0;
int b1 = b[index + 1];
b1 = b1 >= 0 ? b1 : 256 + b1;
data[x][y] = (short)(b0 * 256 + b1);
index += 2;
return data;
I've not dealt with dsm or dem data before but a quick look online gives me the sense that it might come down to a grid of (x,y) points, each with associated z for height (e.g. a two dimensional function z = f(x,y).
The synthesis parallel should be wave terrain synthesis. I assume it is possible with Minim or another sound library. I don't know about any ready made wave terrain stuff.
A friend adviced me to choose spectral synthesis (sweep over x or y using the z's as amplitudes of spectral bins for inverse FFT)
This is really important and any help and advice will be amazing for me and i won't know how to thank you.
I'm dedicating this project to my brother who passed away at the end of last year, during an accident which reasons are still unknown and investigations are still on going..
I'd give anything to find out how to make this sonification possible and it might sound bothering or not to ask for help, but i'm more than desperate doing this.
When I download the .zip file in the clickable map on viewfinderpanorama I get too much .hgt files and also, I guess, for the whole Swiss area (in my case).
I want to load just a selected area, which I already have in .csv or .kml. (lat,long,alt)
csv's are easily manipulated with Table class. You can load csv into it, using loadTable(). And you can make a method then that iterates through table and makes a 2-dimensional array, as in example above.
@koogs I tried to use your code loading csv instead. It's not working, of course i've done something wrong...
My question now is : how do I sonify it? Do I use Minim, Sound library, what?
i'm a total beginner, so i apologize in advance.
// file is regarded as one set of points x and y plus a height z.
// z is used for color and sound
// see also http: // code.compartmental.net/minim/minim_method_getlineout.html
import ddf.minim.* ;
import ddf.minim.signals.* ;
import ddf.minim.effects.* ;
import ddf.minim.ugens.*;
Minim minim;
AudioOutput au_out;
Oscil wave;
// your txt file
String nameOfMyTextfile = "dem taverne.csv";
// your target: where you store you points
PointClass[] points ;
int maxPoints = 1500;
final int undefined = -100;
// the max and mins in the 3 columns
float minx=1111, miny=1111, minz=1111;
float maxx=-111, maxy=-111, maxz=-111;
int currentPointNumber=0;
boolean firstTime = true;
// --------------------------------------------------
void setup() {
size(900, 600);
// all points
points = new PointClass[ maxPoints ];
// load
loadTheTextfileIntoMySetsOfPoints (nameOfMyTextfile );
minim = new Minim(this) ;
au_out = minim.getLineOut() ;
// create a sine wave Oscil, set to 440 Hz, at 0.5 amplitude
wave = new Oscil( 440, 0.5f, Waves.SINE );
// patch the Oscil to the output
wave.patch( au_out );
// fast
println("End of setup(). ----------------------------");
} // func
void draw() {
// loop points and display them
for (int i=0; i< maxPoints; i++) {
// if point not defined
if (points[i].x == undefined) {
break; // go on
} else
// display
points[i].display(false, !firstTime);
} // else
} // for
if (currentPointNumber==2)
currentPointNumber=currentPointNumber % maxPoints;
firstTime = false;
// fast
} // func
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
void resetPoints() {
// init
// pre-defined color
color white = color (255, 255, 255);
// loop points
for (int i=0; i< maxPoints; i++) {
// set as undefined
points[i] = new PointClass (undefined, undefined, undefined, white );
} // for
} // func
void loadTheTextfileIntoMySetsOfPoints ( String currentNamesOfMyTextfile ) {
String [] TestCSV = null;
// loadStrings
TestCSV = loadStrings (currentNamesOfMyTextfile);
if (TestCSV==null) {
// failed
println (currentNamesOfMyTextfile
+ " not found.");
} else
// all good
println ("TestCSV.length is for: "
+ currentNamesOfMyTextfile
+ " : "
+ TestCSV.length
+ ".");
// one color (random)
color currentSetColor = color (random(255), random(255), random(255));
int border = TestCSV.length;
if (border > maxPoints) {
border = maxPoints;
println ("maxPoints to low for file " +currentNamesOfMyTextfile );
println("---------------------------------------------- ");
println("START of for ---------------------------------------------- ");
println("---------------------------------------------- ");
int i=0;
// loop csv and copy into points
for (int i2=0; i2<border; i2++) {
// split one line to get its values
String[] a1 = split(TestCSV [i2], "\",");
println ("a1.length for TestCSV ["+i2+"] is " + a1.length + ".");
println (
float (format(a1[0])),
if (float (format(a1[0]))<1000) {
// make a new point-object of x and y value from this line
PointClass newPoint = new PointClass (float (format(a1[0])),
currentSetColor );
// ----------------------------
// the max and mins in the 3 colums
if (newPoint.x<minx) {
if (newPoint.y<miny) {
if (newPoint.z<minz) {
// ----------------------------
if (newPoint.x>maxx) {
if (newPoint.y>maxy) {
if (newPoint.z>maxz) {
// copy the object at the end of our array points
points[i] = newPoint;
} // for
// done
println("---------------------------------------------- ");
println("End of for ---------------------------------------------- ");
println("---------------------------------------------- ");
println("File "
+". Array points length is "
+ border
+ ".");
// the max and mins in the 3 colums
println(" min ", minx, miny, minz);
println(" max ", maxx, maxy, maxz);
} // else
} // func
String format(String inString) {
inString=inString.replace("\"", "");
inString=inString.replace(",", ".");
return inString;
void stop()
super.stop() ;
// ===============================================================
class PointClass {
float x, y, z;
color col; // not in use
// float sizeOfPoint = 11;
// constructor
PointClass(float x_, float y_, float z_,
color col_) {
col=col_; // not in use
} // constructor
void display(boolean highlight, // not in use
boolean playSound) {
float border = 12;
// now we use the min and max values to map the values from the csv to the ranges we need.
float x1=map(x, minx, maxx, 0+border, width-border); // window width
float y1=map(y, miny, maxy, 0+border, height-border); // window height
float z1=map(z, minz, maxz, 0, 255); // color range
float z2=map(z, minz, maxz, 261.63, 1523.25); // sound range
if (playSound) {
if (highlight) {
// bigger ellipse
fill(z1, 255, 0);
ellipse (x1, y1,
6, 6);
} else
// small point
stroke (z1, 255, 0);
point(x1, y1);
} // method
void playZ (float note1) {
wave.setFrequency( note1 );
} // method
} // class
the data is not so interesting, since most z-values (3rd column) are the same. They also don't represent a grid but more height lines of some kind, I think.
Setup of the sketch
You need to download and install minim (menu sketch | import library | add library)
you need to copy the csv into the sketch folder
there are some tricks in the sketch, e.g. \" just means " etc.
also in English, instead of 3,14 (German, Switzerland...) we say 3.14
so there is some stuff going on to parse the lines like "46,06477","8,930678",347
Please, anyone? :(
this is a complex and broad question...
can you post an example?
can you ask somewhere else, e.g. in a forum for musician or in a company that produces DSM? Maybe they have some free dsm...?
I don't even know what it is...
**Is that it? **
A free DEM of the whole world called GTOPO30 (30 arcsecond resolution, approx. 1 km) is available, but its quality is variable and in some areas it is very poor. A much higher quality DEM from the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) instrument of the Terra satellite is also freely available for 99% of the globe, and represents elevation at 30 meter resolution.
maybe you can post the data of one square kilometer here and we have a look ;-)
on ASTER you'll find WinVICAR - not sure if this and the other tools on ASTER are opensource
also data there.
My aim is to sonify terrain elevation data coming from a delimited area I chose. I thought it could be possible converting DSM/DEM data to sound. I also thought about printing a 3d map out of that data, looking around online i found it can be possible to print a 3d model out of elevation data. I'd prefer DSM. Surfaces represented by a Digital Surface Model (DSM) include buildings and other objects. Digital Terrain Models represent the bare ground.
I'm checking those sites you wrote and try to start something out of it. ;)
Sounds interesting
But you have to find a way to parse the data to arrive at some data to play sounds
I just checked wikipedia for you
I understand what you mean.
I also found out other similar previous works like http://www.o-art.org/history/Computer/TerrainReader/Songlines.DEM.html
Now, I figured out how to convert many many times data to create a file printable in 3d.
I can't understand how to upload that data in Processing and try to find a way to sonify it.
you wrote
can you post the data you used to do so?
Not using Processing, but here is a way to do it:
in which format is the terrain data?
can you post it?
the url in the pdf:
http://www.viewfinderpanoramas.org/Coverage map viewfinderpanoramas_org3.htm
shows a clickable map. that'll get you a zip file containing 4 (in my case) .hgt files (height?)
these are pure binary (2 byte signed, big endian)
oh darn
but how can processing read this??
a kml or xml or json would be better
that said, my attempt currently looks terrible.
Guys, i found .kml and .csv format of the area i need! Providing Lat Long Alt
I also found this in openprocessing openprocessing.org/sketch/28298
This work uses SRTM .hgt binary format
I've not dealt with dsm or dem data before but a quick look online gives me the sense that it might come down to a grid of (x,y) points, each with associated z for height (e.g. a two dimensional function z = f(x,y). The synthesis parallel should be wave terrain synthesis. I assume it is possible with Minim or another sound library. I don't know about any ready made wave terrain stuff. A friend adviced me to choose spectral synthesis (sweep over x or y using the z's as amplitudes of spectral bins for inverse FFT)
This is really important and any help and advice will be amazing for me and i won't know how to thank you.
I'm dedicating this project to my brother who passed away at the end of last year, during an accident which reasons are still unknown and investigations are still on going..
I'd give anything to find out how to make this sonification possible and it might sound bothering or not to ask for help, but i'm more than desperate doing this.
Can i load a .csv or .kml file to this code?
When I download the .zip file in the clickable map on viewfinderpanorama I get too much .hgt files and also, I guess, for the whole Swiss area (in my case). I want to load just a selected area, which I already have in .csv or .kml. (lat,long,alt)
csv's are easily manipulated with Table class. You can load csv into it, using loadTable(). And you can make a method then that iterates through table and makes a 2-dimensional array, as in example above.
Not sure if it was the table class or the XML (or both). But one of them doesn't work for large files. You might want to take this into consideration.
@koogs I tried to use your code loading csv instead. It's not working, of course i've done something wrong... My question now is : how do I sonify it? Do I use Minim, Sound library, what? i'm a total beginner, so i apologize in advance.
What about an easier way to exercise. What about starting with sonifying a form, a shape instead of a csv file?
can youpost somelines of the csv?
you'd use minim
lots of examples
maybe you find a library for parsing kml or gpx
what is your idea for sound?
i mean when go through an area of a state
let's say a rect
then you lay a grid over it
let's say you follow it cell by cell: first line, all cells, from west to east, next line again from west to east and so on from north to south
then for each cell you have height (mountain or valley)
you can take this height and interpret as a frequency (your tone / melody)
so you play each like for 0,5 seconds
use map to map all values of the heights to the frequency range you need.
I am willing to help you
do you agree with this approach?
do you want this?
Yes it is what i'd like to do
Thank you
In the meanwhile, I'd like to exercise on sonifying something else, like a 3D cube. Is it possible?
What Minim example do you refer to for creating sound from shape?
For a cube you got 8 corners and 12 edges
You need to tell how you want to translate that into Sound...
what is amplitude, duration, frequency
Any other 3D shape?
the beginning of the csv looks like this
the data is not so interesting, since most z-values (3rd column) are the same. They also don't represent a grid but more height lines of some kind, I think.
Setup of the sketch
You need to download and install minim (menu sketch | import library | add library)
you need to copy the csv into the sketch folder
there are some tricks in the sketch, e.g. \" just means " etc.
also in English, instead of 3,14 (German, Switzerland...) we say 3.14
so there is some stuff going on to parse the lines like "46,06477","8,930678",347
You're a superhero. Now I can just learn from this code.
I see. In fact it is not a place with high elevations since it's the area of a city's railway station. :(
Yeah I already have Minim and ran the sketch. I'm now trying to understand how the code exactly works.
I'd like to know your opinion....do you think some different elevation data would be more interesting?
a greater variety on z