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Hello fellow Processing Library creators.
I just published a Library template that I use for my projects. In my opinion it is much simpler than the standard one, but it does not publish libraries with a website and this kind of stuff for now.
It is on github, and you can compile and build libraries to distribute just with two commands ! Cool heh ? So not to worry about setting the IDE, or learning Eclipse, If you want to build pure Java parts for your sketch it is an easy process.
It relies on shell script to create the archive and Maven to compile.
Cheers, Jeremy.
Just tried this and I must say, pretty handy. I can develop straight from Sublime with this.
Some strange little things happen compared to the Eclipse project version - javadoc throws an error about @example tag (warning - @example is an unknown tag) and doesn't include them in the doc + the vars in the code like "##library.prettyVersion##" are left as is, whereas in the Eclipse version they're modified to their respected values.
Note that I'm not that familiar with Maven, Ant nor Java so there is a big chance that I'm doing something wrong or omitted something. :D
Good job, anyways, this is very good.