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I want to build a paint program where it is possible to paint on two layers at one time. The only thing the two layers will have is common is where the mouse or pen is, and the pen pressure and/or brush opacity. The colors might be different and the brush sizes might be different. After almost 20 years, you can't paint on two layers in Photoshop. When I ask why not, they ask "why would you want to?" And that's why I'm programming again. "Why would you want to?" is a stupid question from an artist's point of view.
Do you think I could build that program with this? I realize it might take drawing things in memory with line algorithms (Bresenham etc.) but I have to believe processing speeds are at a point that drawing on two layers at one time is possible.
Do you think I could get there with Processing 2.x?
Yes, easily. Just use a new PGraphics object for each layer, and draw on each of them.
It certainly looks like that will work from this modification of the example:
If anyone is interested, it certainly is possible. Following is the beginning of such a program: