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Hi all,
I'm programming an animation with scaled, curved lines. When I use straight lines everything works fine. When I use a bezier curve parts of the image disappear (view example: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qr9ary5uh2pt7si/ghostShape.png?dl=0).
I run a display function in a class from the draw in the main program:
void display(){
scaleFactor = map(location.y, 0, height, 0.00001, 1);
scale(1, scaleFactor);
bezier(0, location.y+(width*0.333), width*0.333, 0+location.y, width*0.666, location.y+(width*0.6666), width, location.y+(width*0.333));
//line(0,location.y,width,location.y); // this runs properly
Is there a way to avoid this effect?
Any help is greatly appreciated. Danielle.
I'm really sorry but I keep having problems to display code properly. Can someone please tell me what to do to correct this? Thanks.
Tnx, _vk, I think I get it now ;)