We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
How can i save in the data folder, or load from the sketch folder? To save a highscore for example. Thanks.
String a1 = "hello"; String b1 = "Good bye"; size (220, 200); println (b1) ; // ------------------------------------ // save String[] arrString1 = new String [1]; arrString1[0] = a1; String path1 = dataPath("") + "\\re.txt"; // or sketchPath("") saveStrings(path1, arrString1); // save arrString1 = null; // --------------------------------------- // load String[] arrString2 = loadStrings(path1); // load b1 = arrString2[0]; println (b1) ;
Thank youu!
Thank youu!