We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
For Processing, I am creating a scrollbar linked to a custom textarea. Although controlling the text by clicking the slider works perfectly fine, controlling the slider through scrolling does not work. Sorry if some things aren't proportioned properly, since I am taking the code from the text editor I am building in Processing.
I am splitting the idea of changing the text into 2 components (When the user clicks the slider to navigate, or when the user scrolls the slider, each with different lines of code to run). I know it's a bit long, so feel free to ask qusetions.
Here is the main code:
String content = "";
Scrollbar bar;
float scrollbarRatio;
float wheelCount;
int line = 1;
String absolutePath;
String fileName;
void setup()
// Background and size
size(displayWidth, displayWidth);
selectInput("Select file input: ", "openFile");
// Resizable Window
if (frame != null) {
// Scrollbar
bar = new Scrollbar(width-12, 55, 24, height - 79, 1);
void draw()
// Flat design
// Get maximum line difference
int maxLines = floor((height - 80) / 22);
String[] adjustedLines = content.split("\n");
int maxLineDifference = bar.getMaxLineDifference((float) maxLines / ((float) adjustedLines.length));
int subtract = maxLineDifference + maxLines - adjustedLines.length;
if (adjustedLines.length > maxLines)
scrollbarRatio = ((float) maxLines) / ((float) adjustedLines.length - subtract);
} else
scrollbarRatio = 1;
// Text Box
rect(width/5, 55, width*4/5, height-55);
String[] contentLines = content.split("\n");
String display = "";
int lineDifference = 0;
if (wheelCount != 0)
if (adjustedLines.length > maxLines)
lineDifference = bar.scroll(int(wheelCount), scrollbarRatio, content.split("\n"), floor((height - 80) / 22), line);
for (int i = lineDifference; i < maxLines + lineDifference; i++)
if (i < adjustedLines.length)
display += adjustedLines[i];
display += "\n";
} else
display = content;
wheelCount = 0;
text(display, width/5+55, 75);
} else
if (adjustedLines.length > maxLines)
lineDifference = bar.getLineDifference();
for (int i = lineDifference; i < maxLines + lineDifference; i++)
if (i < adjustedLines.length)
display += adjustedLines[i];
display += "\n";
} else
display = content;
text(display, width/5+55, 75);
bar.resizeScrollbar(width-12, 55, 24, height - 79);
if (adjustedLines.length > maxLines)
} else
bar.fullScrollbar(width - 24, 55);
void mouseWheel(MouseEvent event)
int e = event.getCount();
int start = bar.scroll(e, scrollbarRatio, content.split("\n"), floor((height - 80) / 22), line);
wheelCount = event.getCount();
// File - Open
void openFile(File selection)
if (selection != null)
// Get file path
absolutePath = selection.getAbsolutePath();
String[] locations = split(absolutePath, "\\");
// Read content of file
String lines[] = loadStrings(absolutePath);
// Reset content and line numbers
content = "";
line = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
String lineContent = lines[i] + "\n";
content += lineContent;
catch (Exception exc)
And here is the Scrollbar class:
class Scrollbar
float swidth, sheight; // width and height of bar
float xpos, ypos; // x and y position of bar
float spos, newspos; // x position of slider
float sposMin, sposMax; // max and min values of slider
int loose; // how loose/heavy
boolean over; // is the mouse over the slider?
boolean locked; // is the mouse clicked over the slider
int lineDifference;
Scrollbar (int xp, int yp, int sw, int sh, int l) {
swidth = sw;
sheight = sh;
xpos = xp-swidth/2;
ypos = yp;
spos = ypos;
newspos = spos;
sposMin = ypos;
sposMax = ypos + sheight;
loose = l;
void resizeScrollbar(int xp, int yp, int sw, int sh)
xpos = xp - swidth/2;
ypos = yp;
swidth = sw;
sheight = sh;
void update(float ratio) {
if (over()) {
over = true;
} else {
over = false;
if (mousePressed && over) {
locked = true;
if (!mousePressed) {
locked = false;
if (locked) {
sposMax = ypos + sheight;
newspos = constrain(mouseY-swidth/2, sposMin, sposMax - sheight * ratio);
lineDifference = ceil((newspos - 55)/22 * (1/ratio));
if (abs(newspos - spos) > 1) {
spos = spos + (newspos-spos)/loose;
float constrain(float val, float minv, float maxv) {
return min(max(val, minv), maxv);
boolean over() {
if (mouseX > xpos && mouseX < xpos+swidth &&
mouseY > ypos && mouseY < ypos+sheight) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
void fullScrollbar(int x, int y)
if (mouseX > x && mouseX < x + 24 && mouseY > 55 && mouseY < height - 20)
} else
rect(x, y, 24, height - 79);
int scroll(int delta, float ratio, String[] adjustedLines, int maxlines, int line)
spos += 15 * delta;
spos = constrain(spos, 55, height - 24 - sheight*ratio);
int start = ceil((spos) * adjustedLines.length / (sheight) - 24 + 1);
return start;
void display(float ratio) {
rect(xpos, ypos, swidth, sheight);
if (over || locked) {
} else {
// Removes whitespace between slider and beginning of scrollbar
if (spos != 55 && floor(spos) == 55)
spos = 55;
// Removes whitespace between slider and end of scrollbar
if ((spos + sheight * ratio) != (sheight + ypos) && ceil(spos + sheight * ratio) == (sheight + ypos))
spos = sheight + ypos - (sheight * ratio);
//println(spos + ", " + str(height - 24 - sheight*ratio));
rect(xpos, spos, swidth, sheight * ratio);
int getLineDifference()
return lineDifference;
int getMaxLineDifference(float ratios)
return ceil(((height - 24 - scrollbarRatio * sheight) - 55)/22 * (1/ratios));