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I'm trying to figure out where I went wrong. Since I made a few changes from a code I duplicate. I encounter this error. I'm again a newbie. Any response to the problem soon will be appreciated. Thanks.
float wanderSpeed = 2.3;
int numSteps = 12;
float lineHue = 2.1;
float lineSat = 0.0;
float lineBright = 1.2;
float lineShaows = 0.68;
boolean autoplay = true;
void setup()
colorMode(HSB, 50, 60, 40);
void draw()
//randomize color
if (random (0,1)>colorTrigger)randomizeColor();
stroke(lineHue, lineSat,lineBright, 0.0);
//draw line
for(int i = 0; i <allVectors.size(); i++)
PVector vector = allvectors.get(i);
if (i == 0) curveVertex(vector.x, vector.y);
curveVertex(vertex.x, vertex.y);
if (i == allvectors.size() - 1) curveVertex(verctor.x, vector.y);
void checkAutoplay()
if (autoplay)
// reset if line has left screen
for (int i = 0; i<allVectors.size (); i++)
PVector vector = allVectors.get(i);
if (vector.y < height) return;
// reset if boundary check didn't exit functiion
void createLine()
allVectors = new ArrayList<PVector>();
for (int i=0; i<=numSteps; i++)
PVector vector = new PVector(i * width/numSteps, height/2);
void randomizeColor()
lineHue = random(0, 1);
lineSat = random(0, 1);
void reset()
wanderSpeed = random(0.3, 2.0);
numSteps = (int)random(1, 20);
colorTrigger = random(0.99, 0.9999);
Hit CTRL+T inside Processing's IDE (PDE). It will indent the text and help ya spot the error!
You're declaring checkAutoplay() inside of the draw() function, which isn't allowed. It looks to me like you're missing a right } at line 47.
Edit: The code is also full of typos which give appropriate error messages. Note that capitalization matters in function names.
Hey, GoToLoop, thanks for the reply
And yeah, I did align the code. The error remains the same in the IDE.
check Autoplay()
where the error message display
"unexpected token : void"
Please help. :(
You have a random stray opening bracket on line 34. Those usually only need to appear after functions definitions, for loops, if conditions, and else statements.
Also, you've not posted a complete sketch at all yet. Both of your attempts have just sort of ended without any "closure".
Thanks guys, but after working upon the typos I'm yet missing upon something. The output sketch is blank.
On line 30, you set the alpha value for your line's color to 0. This makes your line completely transparent, so it does not appear. Remove the fourth value in your call to stroke().