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how to draw a box (just a frame ) in 3D processing? the box is (20,20,20)
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i want the frame made with boxes
size(440,440,P3D); smooth(); background(0); translate(width/2,height/2); stroke(255); noFill(); rotateX(1); rotateY(1); box(20,20,20);
TFGuy44 i know this ! i mean the frame by boxes not lines !
void setup(){ size(440,440,P3D); smooth(); } void draw(){ background(0); translate(width/2,height/2); pushMatrix(); scale(60); lights(); popMatrix(); scale(3); rotateY(map(mouseX,0,width,-PI,PI)); rotateX(map(mouseY,0,height,-PI,PI)); noStroke(); fill(255,0,0); for(int x=-1;x<2;x++){ for(int y=-1;y<2;y++){ for(int z=-1;z<2;z++){ if((x==0?1:0)+(y==0?1:0)+(z==0?1:0)<2){ pushMatrix(); translate(20*x,20*y,20*z); box(20,20,20); popMatrix(); } } } } }
Thank you TFGuy44 thats it .
thanks again
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Use noFill();
i want the frame made with boxes
TFGuy44 i know this ! i mean the frame by boxes not lines !
Thank you TFGuy44 thats it .
thanks again