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Hey all I've ran into some issues with trying to use processing with sublime.
I am trying to use this https://github.com/b-g/processing-sublime package and be able to compile/run code within sublime.
My problem seems to reside with the fact that I cannot properly install "processing-java" for all users. When I try to run the osascript to try and install it, it doesn't seem to work because when I try to install it again it doesn't give me an error.
I also tried to troubleshoot this by editing the file location where "processing-java" gets called in the Processing Sublime Build files under "~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/Processing" but I couldn't figure out how to change the file properly (check https://github.com/b-g/processing-sublime/blob/master/Build%20Systems/Processing.sublime-build for more information)
If anyone has successfully gotten to use sublime with processing or if someone could give me detailed instructions on where "processing-java" gets installed on a global level or how exactly to edit the Processing.sublime-build file for local use I would greatly appreciate it!
PS - apologies if this is in the wrong thread - I wasn't quite sure where to put it. Cheers, Kevin
Hmmm if someone could help me parse what this line of code meant and how to change it - I would be really grateful.
if you choose to install processing-java just in your home dir then use for the cmd "~/processing-java" instead of "processing-java"
I'm confused what lines to alter.
Did you solve this yet? I figured out how to edit that line of code - it's telling Sublime to use the processing-java executable in your home directory - but I still get that same [Errno 2] message when I try to compile.
To edit that line of code, this is what I did:
go to ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/
drag Processing.sublime-package to my desktop
change the file extension from .sublime-package to .zip
open up that archive and change "processing-java" to "~/processing-java" in Build Systems > Processing.sublime-build
zip up the file and change the extension back to .sublime-package
replace the newly edited file back in the Installed Packages directory
It still doesn't work for me, though, so I'm probably doing something wrong. If anyone figures this out, I'd greatly appreciate being pointed in the right direction!