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How do you truncate an arbitrary amount of characters from a float or int? Can you do that with strings too?
I have a sketch I am using to do math on the length it takes something to wrap around a wooden dowel.
I am doing the math with floats. However, I only want the end result to display 1 digit after the decimal point. So, I'd like to trim off the last 3-5 digits. I've done this in Quartz Composer I just could not find the right path in Processing after some searching.
float D, S, C, L;
void setup() {
size(300, 200);
D = 36;
S = 0.6;
C = 2.3;
L = ((D/S)*C)/12;
void draw() {
translate(width/2, height/2);
text(L + " feet", 0, 0);
Hi, thanks, I would've never guessed to search "nf()"!