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While I am creating an Open File button using selectInput(). The problem is that the program keeps opening windows every time a user selects a file. How do I prevent this from happening?
pre lang="processing"> void setup() { size(500, 500); background(255); }
void draw() { noStroke(); fill(255, 0, 0); rect(0, 0, 50, 20);
if (mousePressed) { if (mouseX <= 50 && mouseY <= 20) { selectInput("Select a file to open:", "fileSelected"); } } }
void fileSelected(File selection) { if (selection != null) { String absolutePath = selection.getAbsolutePath(); String[] locations = split(absolutePath, "\"); String fileName = locations[locations.length - 1];
} }
Instead of checking the mousePressed variable in draw() :
if (mousePressed) { if (mouseX <= 50 && mouseY <= 20) { selectInput("Select a file to open:", "fileSelected"); } } }
put that peace of code inside void mousePressed(){} (It executes a code just once, instead of draw() that loops many times per second)I would also recommend a global marker that tells you, if something was loaded
boolean somethingWasLoaded = false;
then you can say in draw