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I am making a GUI for a game, and I encountered some performance issues when animating buttons. I have a selector where the user can scroll through options horizontally across the screen.
The problem I am having is that each time I draw the button, the image does not disappear, so I need to reset the background. I have a saved image as the background, and images take a while to load in, so the frame rate drops significantly when the buttons are moving. I have also tried taking the center of the image, and only replacing the area where the buttons are moving, but it did not help.
Is there any way I can create an object that does not leave a trace, or a more elegant way of resetting the screen?
Thank you.
http://i.gyazo.com/d29e0cb349644925f47891f14b235423.gif http://i.gyazo.com/3aa5f69d92c1eb4238cfd96fa370e620.gif
Post your code. It is impossible to see if you are doing anything wrong without it.
You say "and images take a while to load in" which troubles me. Are you using loadImage() inside draw()?
Sorry my code is so clunky, first time using the forums
Thanks, I was about to post this all in google drive
I wonder if I can use PGraphics to create buttons instead of just rect(). Ill try it out and post and update.
PGraphics runs on a separate buffer as the main window, but the two buffers are merged together to create one display output, overwriting the background. In the end, you need to reload the background...
I think I will try to use animations, since it won't erase the background
I was half-way through screenshotting each frame of my menu, when I realized I wanted to put images on each of the buttons.
I was looking at some other code on open processing, since i'm quite new to java, and programming in general. I realized that other programs had no trouble loading in images at a full 60 frames, meaning I must have a bottle neck somewhere.
You were right TfGuy244, I must have an issue with my code. I go optimize my code and come back.
It turned out that I made a very stupid mistake, and I was loading from my data file each time I drew the background. That solved my problem. I'm sorry for wasting your guy's time over such a trivial thing, and thank you.