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I've been using processing for a while now and have gotten good at it, but I want to learn a new language and start using a new 3d game engine to do so. Unfortunately, most game engines have you model things and then add additional script for behaviours, I want something like processing -where most of the work is by code and I run it to see if my code works or not. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance for anyone that answers I really appreciate it :D .
I don't think you're looking for a game engine...
Sounds like what you're looking for is another programming language...
I'm not looking for a new language, I already started learning a couple new ones, but I want to be able to use that language as the 'base' of the games that I make, not models that I need to script behaviour for. For example, I want to be able to (from the main code) call cubes through a function (custom or not) and then use for loops to make a grid of them, then the code would compile and run and display a grid of cubes. Another example: I want to be able to code the detection between the cubes and what my character is, not automatic mesh detection. I hope that clarifies what I mean.