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Hi Processing Forum,
I am working on a graphic and tried to add a structure, what is not working. Does anybody has an advice for me? Thanks a lot.
import ddf.minim.*; import processing.pdf.*; PImage img;
boolean record;
Minim minim; AudioInput input;
void setup() {
size(displayWidth, displayHeight, P3D); minim = new Minim (this); input = minim.getLineIn (Minim.STEREO, 512); noCursor(); img = loadImage("bild.jpg"); }
void draw() {
if(record){ beginRaw(PDF, "output.pdf"); }
float dim = input.mix.level () * width; translate(width/2, height/2, 0);
pushMatrix(); scale(0.9);
rotateX(PI/2); rotateZ(-PI/10);
beginShape(); texture(img); background(19,19,19);
//stroke(255,175,0); stroke(255); strokeWeight(1.8);
scale(0.9); smooth();
rotateX(frameCount/700.0); rotateY(frameCount/600.0); rotateZ(frameCount/200.0);
curveVertex( mouseX, 320, -120); curveVertex(-250, -dim, -mouseX); curveVertex( -mouseY, -190, mouseX);
curveVertex(-260, -dim, mouseX); curveVertex(-dim, -190, -210); curveVertex( mouseX, -mouseY, dim);
curveVertex(-160, -mouseX, -290); curveVertex(-dim, dim, -210); curveVertex( 100, 140, dim);
curveVertex(-mouseY, mouseX, -390); curveVertex(-dim, dim, -210); curveVertex( mouseY, 240, dim);
curveVertex( 120, -220, mouseX); curveVertex( 290, dim, dim); curveVertex( dim, dim, mouseY);
curveVertex(mouseX, 220, -150); curveVertex(-dim, 110, dim); curveVertex( -mouseY, -150, mouseY);
curveVertex( mouseX, 220, -dim); curveVertex(-350, -dim, -220); curveVertex( mouseX, 210, -mouseX);
curveVertex(mouseX, dim, -200); curveVertex(-110, dim, mouseY); curveVertex( 230, dim, -mouseY);
curveVertex(340, dim, -325); curveVertex(mouseY, dim, -135); curveVertex( -dim, -mouseY, mouseY); endShape(); popMatrix();
pushMatrix(); fill(19,19,19); noStroke(); rectMode(CENTER); //rect(0,0,500,500); popMatrix();
if (record) { endRaw(); record = false; }
//boolean sketchFullScreen() { //return true; //}
void keyPressed() { if (key == 'r') { record = true; } }
So I took what you posted and cut out all the bits that didn't feel like they needed to be there, and I got this:
Now, is that sort of what you wanted? If not, what did you want?
thanks for your answer. I want it like that but with a texture from the image called bild.jpg. In the code I posted, I added a texture how they describe it here: (https://processing.org/reference/texture_.html)
And I don't understand why its not working. Do you know?