my tower isn't turning as the balloon goes by.

edited June 2015 in Questions about Code

//my balloons and towers are (40, 40)

void drawTower() {

    for (int i=w.balloonList.size(); i == -1; i--) {
      Balloon balloon = w.balloonList.get(i);

      if (dist(pos.x+20, pos.y+20, balloon.pos.x + 20, balloon.pos.y + 20) < radius) {
        bPosX = balloon.pos.x;
        bPosY = balloon.pos.y;
    float angle = atan2(bPosY - (pos.y+20), bPosX - (pos.x+20)) + HALF_PI;

    translate(pos.x + 20, pos.y + 20);//origin
    image(monkey, -20, -20);

    if (mouseX > pos.x && mouseX < pos.x+40
      && mouseY > pos.y && mouseY < pos.y+40) {
      fill(0, 0, 155, 60);//sets a blue colour slightly visible
      ellipse(pos.x+20, pos.y+20, radius*2-40, radius*2-40);//outer ring of radius around the tower


  • this is too briefly written

    what is pos.x ?

    why do you have monkey in line 14 ? Is that the tower?

  • Balloon balloon = new Balloon();
    PVector pos=new PVector(222, 300); // tower / monkey 
    int radius = 200;
    float bPosX;
    float bPosY;
    void setup () {
      size(600, 600);
    void draw() {
    void drawTower() {
      //   = w.balloonList.get(i);
      // if (dist(pos.x+20, pos.y+20, balloon.pos.x + 20, balloon.pos.y + 20) < radius) {
      bPosX = balloon.pos.x;
      bPosY = balloon.pos.y;
      // }
      // } // for 
      float angle = atan2(bPosY - (pos.y+20), bPosX - (pos.x+20)) + HALF_PI;
      translate(pos.x + 20, pos.y + 20);//origin
      text("monkey", -20, -20);
      if (mouseX > pos.x && mouseX < pos.x+40
        && mouseY > pos.y && mouseY < pos.y+40) {
        fill(0, 0, 155, 60);//sets a blue colour slightly visible
        ellipse(pos.x+20, pos.y+20, radius*2-40, radius*2-40);//outer ring of radius around the tower
    // ==================================
    class Balloon {
      PVector pos=new PVector(0, 40);
      PVector speed=new PVector(3, 0);
      void display() {
        ellipse(pos.x, pos.y, 6, 6);
    } // class 
  • did you change the angle or rotation info or did t just work?

  • edited June 2015 Answer ✓

    the if clause and the for loop are ending in line 9/10 in your code (the very first post)

    thus only the last ball that is close enough (the dist() thing) can turn the tower

    so I took out the dist() and the for-loop (so maybe you need to fix that part)

    I haven't changed the rotation itself (the block between pushMatrix and popMatrix)


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