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Hi. Can anyone help me to fix some of my codes please?
I got all the code here, but I think some part the code is not right:
When I click on my character, it doesn't remove; however, when I click on some other place(not at the character), the character will be removed, so I think the part where
final int Giraiffe_WIDTH = 55;
final int Giraiffe_HEIGHT = 130;
is not correct, but I don't know how to calculate the width and height of my character.
and I don't know why the characters can't fix the window? I want them to bounce back when they hit the edge; however, it's not at the right place. ><
please tell me where is wrong I'm appreciated!
Thank You guys.! ------------------my entire code-------
final int NUM_GIRAIFFES = 20;
ArrayList<Giraiffe> giraff = new ArrayList<Giraiffe>();
int count = 20;
void setup() {
size(800, 800);
PFont calibri = loadFont("Arial-Black-48.vlw");
textFont(calibri, 20);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_GIRAIFFES; i++) {
giraff.add(new Giraiffe(width/2, height/2, (int)random(-10, 10), (int)random(-10, 10), (int)random(0, TWO_PI), random(0.5, 2)));
// draw aliens by calling DrawMe method and change position calling update method.
void draw() {
background(99, 164, 252);
for (int i = 0; i < giraff.size(); i++) {
if (mousePressed && giraff.get(i).isClicked(mouseX, mouseY)) {
if (giraff.size()==0) {
for (int s = 0; s < NUM_GIRAIFFES; s++) {
giraff.add(new Giraiffe(width/2, height/2, (int)random(2, 5), (int)random(2, 5),(int)random(0, TWO_PI), random(0.5, 2)));
else {
text("Count: "+count, 30, 50);
//create TEXT class
class Score {
int score; //filed to store score
Score() {
void update (int inc) {
score += inc;
void drawScore() {
text("Score: "+score, width-100, 50);
// create UFO class
class Giraiffe {
final int Giraiffe_WIDTH = 55;
final int Giraiffe_HEIGHT = 130;
int xPos = 0;
int yPos = 0;
int xSpeed = 8;
int ySpeed = 8;
int rotAngle = 0;
float scaleFactor = 1;
// UFO constrctor
Giraiffe(int xPos, int yPos, int xSpeed, int ySpeed, int rotAngle, float scaleFactor) {
this.xPos = xPos;
this.yPos = yPos;
this.xSpeed = xSpeed;
this.ySpeed = ySpeed;
this.rotAngle = rotAngle;
this. scaleFactor = scaleFactor;
// Method to create the UFO
void giraiffe() {
pushMatrix ();
translate (xPos, yPos);
// float rotateVar = map(mouseX, 0, width, -PI/4, PI/4);
// float m = map(mouseY, 0, height, 0.5, 2.0);
// scale(m);
//draw neck
translate(30, 0);
stroke(227, 196, 16);
fill(240, 227, 106);
ellipse(-176, -139, 20, 75);
//draw body
stroke(227, 196, 16);
fill(240, 227, 106);
ellipse(-156, -110, 55, 30);
//draw ears
stroke(227, 196, 16);
fill(240, 227, 106);
ellipse(-170, -175, 10, 5);
stroke(227, 196, 16);
fill(240, 227, 106);
ellipse(-200, -178, 10, 5);
//draw horn
stroke(98, 85, 10);
fill(142, 122, 11);
ellipse(-190, -180, 5, 10);
ellipse(-180, -180, 5, 10);
//draw tail
curve(-140, -125, -130, -115, -120, -110, -140, -110);
fill(170, 152, 62);
ellipse(-120, -110, 5, 5);
//draw head
stroke(227, 196, 16);
fill(240, 227, 106);
ellipse(-236, -76, 33, 40);
//draw mouth
stroke(98, 85, 10);
fill(170, 152, 62);
ellipse(-238, -61, 19, 12);
//draw the eyes
fill(64, 55, 5);
ellipse(-248, -70, 3, 5);
fill(64, 55, 5);
ellipse(-230, -70, 3, 5);
//Draw texture
fill(137, 101, 11);
ellipse(-175, -120, 10, 15);
fill(137, 101, 11);
ellipse(-178, -115, 5, 5);
fill(137, 101, 11);
ellipse(-175, -145, 5, 10);
fill(137, 101, 11);
ellipse(-155, -110, 15, 10);
fill(137, 101, 11);
ellipse(-135, -115, 5, 5);
fill(137, 101, 11);
ellipse(-170, -105, 5, 5);
fill(137, 101, 11);
ellipse(-140, -103, 5, 5);
fill(137, 101, 11);
ellipse(-178, -170, 5, 5);
//draw legs
stroke(227, 196, 16);
fill(240, 227, 106);
arc(-180, -105, 5, 35, 1/8*PI, PI-1/8*PI); // upper half of circle
arc(-172, -98, 5, 25, 1/8*PI, PI-1/8*PI);
arc(-140, -100, 5, 25, 1/8*PI, PI-1/8*PI);
arc(-133, -107, 5, 40, 1/8*PI, PI-1/8*PI);
// update method to change x, y positions
void update() {
xPos += xSpeed;
yPos += ySpeed;
if (xPos - Giraiffe_WIDTH/2 < 0 || xPos + Giraiffe_WIDTH/2 > width) {
xSpeed *= -1;
if (yPos - Giraiffe_HEIGHT/2 < 0 || yPos + Giraiffe_HEIGHT/2 > height) {
ySpeed *= -1;
boolean isClicked(int x, int y) {
if (xPos - Giraiffe_WIDTH/2 < x && xPos + Giraiffe_WIDTH/2 > x &&
yPos - Giraiffe_HEIGHT/2 < y && yPos + Giraiffe_HEIGHT/2 > y) {
return true;
return false;
sorry guys. my code is messy. can you just copy all my code to the processing to see my problem please???
Thank You! I'm appreciated!
You rely on translate(), rotate() and scale() to display your Giraffe objects. [..]
I'm afraid I also dunno how to determine dimensions after transformations! @-)
Anyways, here's an online example of detecting spheres just for some idea:
PFont calibri = loadFont("Arial-Black-48.vlw");
Calibri? I suggest to stick to generic font name,
or justf
... :-)And for what it is worth, the name of these beasts is generally Giraffe. ;-)
No need for a count variable, giraff.size() is enough.
And indeed, the rotation / translate stuff makes confusing where the position of the giraffe is. If you add a debug rectangle, like:
at the end of your giraiffe() method, you will see they are not at the right place, at all!
It is probably related to the fact that the translate (xPos, yPos); call is inside a push/popMatrix pair.
I did a bit of trial & error to find out a more fitting rectangle bounding your shape.
Here is the modified code:
OMG!!! Thank you guys!! thanks for your help!! now it works! Thank you so much!!