Want to run OpenCV with Processing-1.5.1 on WIndows 8

edited June 2015 in Using Processing

Hello EveryOne ...

I have made all my sketches in Processing1.5.1 with different libraries on Mac OSX. And now I want to make them work on Windows 8. I know I need to make some changes in code.. but the main problem is that the Opencv Library (with OpenCV_1.0.exe) is not working Processing-1.5.1.

I have install the Opencv 1.0.exe on windows 8 and set Environment Variables for jdk and OpenCV. Also I have set the preferences in Processing-1.5.1.

But, When I try to run the code , It gives me an error that...nosuchmethoderror you may be using a library that's incompatible with this version of processing

Please help me to solve this issue.. coz its very important for me... I need to show the running sketch on Windows 8 to my client...


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