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Using: Processing 2.1, Mac OSX 10.8.5
Starting point: Daniel Shiffman's example on Analyzing King Lear http://www.learningprocessing.com/examples/chapter-18/example-18-6/
This works from a text file - calculates and displays the instance of each word in the document. What I want is for the program to find one specific word (for example 'considers') and tell me how many times it occurs in the text (only that word).
Here is my code so far. I have played a bit with HashMap but I'm lost on how to apply it properly or if its the correct approach.
String[] november;
int counter = 0;
String delimiters = ",.?!;:[]- ";
void setup() {
size (900,200);
String[] rawtext = loadStrings ("Nov5.txt");
String everything = join(rawtext, "");
november = splitTokens(everything, delimiters);
frameRate (1);
void draw() {
background (255);
String considers = november[counter];
int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <november.length; i ++ ) {
if (considers.equals (november[i])) {
total ++;
fill (0);
text (considers, 10, 90);
text (total, 10, 110);
stroke (0);
fill (175);
rect (10, 50, total/4, 20);
counter = (counter + 1) % november.length;
code edited as megwells pointed [removed text(considers)]
Thank-you! It works! and is elegant to boot!
(note to others with a similar query: remove the text (considers, 10, 90); line)