color of shape in next piece of image

Here is my code:

PImage image;

int divideSize = 3;
Draggable[][] rects;
void setup() {  
  image = loadImage("DSC03509.JPG");
  size(image.width, image.height);  
  int widthDelta = (int)Math.floor(image.width/divideSize);  
  int heightDelta = (int)Math.floor(image.height/divideSize);
  rects = new Draggable[divideSize][divideSize];
  int x = 0, y = 0;
  for (int i=0; i < divideSize; i++) {
      x = (i == 0) ? 0 : x+widthDelta; 
      y = 0;   
    for (int j=0; j < divideSize; j++) {
      y = (j == 0) ? 0 : y+heightDelta; 
      rects[i][j] = new Draggable(x, y, image.get(x, y, widthDelta, heightDelta));      
void draw() {
  //Loop through the array and call drag() and displayPoint() methods defined in Draggable Class
    for (int i=0; i < divideSize; i++) {
    for (int j=0; j < divideSize; j++) {
      //rects[i][j].drag(mouseX, mouseY);
      if (rects[i][j].isRollover())
         rects[i][j].displayPoint(mouseX, mouseY);       

// Daniel Shiffman
// Tutorial:
// Based on class for a draggable thing
class Draggable {
  boolean rollover = false; // Is the mouse over the ellipse?
  float x,y, pointillizeX, pointillizeY;          // Location and size
  float offsetX, offsetY; // Mouseclick offset  
  int lx, ly; 
  PImage c; // shape image
  Draggable(float tempX, float tempY, PImage imageC) {
    x = tempX;
    y = tempY;
    offsetX = 0;
    offsetY = 0;
    c = imageC;
  boolean isRollover() {
    return rollover;
  void displayPoint(int mywidth, int myheight) {
  pointillizeX = map(mywidth, 0, c.width, 4, 15);
  lx = floor(random(x, (x+c.width)));
  ly = floor(random(y, (y+c.height)));
  color pix = c.get(lx,ly);
  fill(pix, 100); 
  ellipse(lx, ly, pointillizeX, pointillizeX);
  // Method to display
  void display() {
  // Is a point inside the rectangle (for rollover)
  void rollover(int mx, int my) {
    if (mx > x && mx < x + c.width && my > y && my < y + c.height) {
      rollover = true;
    } else {
      rollover = false;

And here is a result: screen

Pointillism effect only in first piece of picture. Color in another pieces is always black, why? I would be grateful for any help.

Sorry for my bad English ((


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