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While in Mint 17.1 i can double click on the Processing icon and it asks me if I want to run it, In Ubuntu 15.04 the Processing file (and processing-java file) has no association and will not start. By default it is opened in a text editor. How to launch Processing in Ubuntu 15.04?
Btw, it would be good to have Processing in the Debian repository, Arduino is there too.
In Linux and other UNIX OSes, we need to mark that a file is executable.
I'm not in a Linux OS right now, but IIRC, we can right-click it and go to "Properties".
Then try to find the tab there related to file permissions. Good luck! :-bd
Thanks. I checked, but the file execution flag was already set. I think this might be some kind of Java issue with the default Ubuntu 15.04 system.
Apparently you have to install sun-java, which is non-free! So Processing is essentially non-free software?? Here is a great manual how to get Processing properly installed on Ubuntu/Mint: https://askubuntu.com/questions/396857/how-can-i-add-processing-to-the-unity-launcher