GPS and Google API in Processing

edited May 2015 in Library Questions

How can I read gps coordinates and show this in a map ? I have a map using the GoogleMapper library. Does anyone has an example or something ????


  • "How can I read gps coordinates"
    Depends where you want to get them. Device? Text file? Internet API?

    Perhaps search (from the main site) the GPX keyword...

  • Hi Philho, I will use an GPS MODULE( FOR ARDUINO). My idea is to get the coordinates with gps module and transfer the coordinates for an Google API and show in the map.

  • Hi, for example send from arduino to processing:

                float lat = 49.1234567;
                float lon =2.123456789;
                void setup() { 
                void loop() {
                  Serial.print(lat,6); //,number of decimal
                delay (5000);

    for receiving data in the processing googlemapper, it is similar to:

    void setup(){
    void draw()...
    void serialEvent(Serial port) { 
        String fromArduino = port.readStringUntil('\n');
        if (fromArduino != null) {
         float[] arduCoords = float(split(fromArduino, ","));
         println( arduCoords[0]);
        println( arduCoords[1]);
        lat =arduCoords[0];
        lon =arduCoords[1];
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