Java 8 incompatibility with old exported P5 1.5.1 applications on Windows 7

Hi I have some sketches that I wrote in Processing 1.5.1 and exported as stand alone applications but now people using the application sketches report that they don't work since the latest update to Java (Java version 8 update 45). The applications fail to start and generate a window titled "Processing Error" with an error "Error calling ShellExecuteEx()". Is there any way I can coax these applications to run without rolling back to Java version 7 or recompiling/exporting using Processing 2.0 with the "Embed Java for Windows" option selected?



    • You may try to recompile them in Processing 1.5.1 w/ its bundled "/java/" subfolder removed.
    • Processing 1.5.1 is gonna use the default installed Java in the OS.
    • Make sure to get latest JDK 8 update 45 and hit CTRL + E.
    • w/ some luck, the new exported sketch might work w/ latest Java in any OS.
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