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Hi, I am currently using the 'basics frame' file from the dLibs library for Kinect from Thomas Diewald. I use the black/white depth image from the kinect to read the brightness of each pixels. I than assign a color depending on the brightness of that pixel to create my own color map. See image 1.
However, once a while -every 8 sec or so- a blue overlay is shown, see Image 2. I think this blue overlay has a relation with the frameRate. I have no clue why the sketch is showing this blue overlay. Does somebody knows if this has to do something with my current code or it is something that has a relation with the library?
Thank you in advance.
The code:
import dLibs.freenect.toolbox.*;
import dLibs.freenect.constants.*;
import dLibs.freenect.interfaces.*;
import dLibs.freenect.*;
Kinect kinect_;
KinectFrameDepth kinect_depth_;
int kinectFrame_size_x = VIDEO_FORMAT._RGB_.getWidth(); /
int kinectFrame_size_y = VIDEO_FORMAT._RGB_.getHeight();
PImage video_frame_, depth_frame_;
boolean setupDone = false;
void setup(){
size(kinectFrame_size_x, kinectFrame_size_y);
kinect_ = new Kinect(0);
kinect_depth_ = new KinectFrameDepth(DEPTH_FORMAT._11BIT_);
depth_frame_ = createImage(DEPTH_FORMAT._11BIT_.getWidth(), DEPTH_FORMAT._11BIT_ .getHeight(), RGB);
void draw(){
assignPixels( depth_frame_, kinect_depth_);
image(depth_frame_, 0,0);
void assignPixels(PImage img, KinectFrameDepth kinect_dev){
color[] pxls = kinect_dev.getRawDepth();
int amountOfPixels = 640*480;
for(int i = 0;i<amountOfPixels;i++){
float value = brightness(pxls[i]);
if(value <= 80){
pxls[i] = color(104, 151, 115);
} else if( value <= 120 ){
pxls[i] = color(113, 172, 104);
} else if( value <= 180 ){
pxls[i] = color(216, 224, 123);
} else if( value <= 240 ){
pxls[i] = color(254, 125, 86);
} else{
pxls[i] = color(254, 175, 96);
img.pixels = pxls;
void dispose(){