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Hi, I'm going to write generative music algorithm.
I need to play simple notes in multiple channels. Which library should I use ?
I've looked on minim, but it have terrible manual. Does anybody have some experience in this topic ?
With regards Mike.
the generation stuff in minim is new and i haven't played with it yet (or even installed it, big download...)
http://processing.org/reference/libraries/#sound <- the alternatives
tactus web page looks, and sounds, interesting http://www.abstract-codex.net/tactu5/
supercollider too: http://www.erase.net/projects/processing-sc/
I was trying tactu5 but I cannot make it work.
Examples http://www.abstract-codex.net/tactu5/class_note.html
It's saying. TACTU5 Initialized ALLERT noteReceiver(Note) method is not set! ALLERT loop method is not set!
Supercollider looks interesting. I'll try it.
supercoolider looks fine, but even in examples it depends on libraries more than 2 years old. I don't know what to think about it.