Library for Kinect in Question.

edited November 2013 in Library Questions

Hello all!

I am currently trying to work on gestural recognition for the Kinect, and I have an older piece of code that I am trying to run within processing. The only problem is, I'm not entirely sure which library it is actually calling for, ans the simple-openni does not execute it, although I read on other various forums it might.

So, What library does it actually want? Can someone please give me a link to the download and a brief understanding of the install procedure? Thanks!

import SimpleOpenNI.*;

import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
import cl.nui.CLNUI;
import processing.opengl.*;

Pointer motor, camera;
PImage depthData,handSmooth,xProjection,yProjection, handTrace, hand,handFat,traceSmooth;


  • edited November 2013

    Click here and follow the link for installation procedure for the new SimpleOpenNI 1.96.

    But if you are using SimpleOpenNI 0.27 version then you need some different drivers and don't install Kinect sdk with this version of SimpleopenNI 0.27. It just doesn't work. For the old drivers click here

    If you have any problem regarding SimpleOpeNI then follow up the link here

    P.S. SimpleopenNI 1.96 doesn't have well documentation and there is a lot of changes has been made. New SimpeopenNI 1.96 installation may not be able to run the old SimpleOpenNI 0.27 examples. My suggestion is go with the older version.

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