Display Upside Down Text

Hi everyone, How to display text or strings upside down in processing (android mode)? This is so that people on both sides of the screen can have text facing them.


  • Maybe translate(0, -1); can help ya there. But you still got to make some adjustments w/ height.

  • that translate() will only move the text.

    i think you need rotate(). use PI as the angle.

  • Thanks guys, i managed to figure it out by using both translate and rotate. If the text i want to rotate is in the center of the screen:

    textAlign(Center, Center);
    translate(width/2, height/2) // This is the center of the text i want to flip
    text("ANY TEXT HERE", 0, 0); // 0, 0 can be used since the center of the text has been translated to 0, 0 

    Thanks once again!

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