How can I draw over a video using topLayer..

edited November 2013 in How To...

So, I want to draw over a video, and managed to do it using topLayer. but when I try with this simple code for a kind of orange drip effect, the colour and transparency is lost, and I get solidish black "drips"

here is the drawing code I'd like to have appearing over a video

float x, y, r, g, b, radius;

int timer;

boolean sketchFullScreen() {

  return true;

void setup() {

  size(500, 500);




  frame.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(0,0,0));

void draw() {
  // use frameCount to move x, use modulo to keep it within bounds
  y = frameCount % height;

  // use millis() and a timer to change the y every 2 seconds
  if (millis() - timer >= 6000+(random(2000)-2000)) {

    x = random(width);

    timer = millis();

  r = (random(10) + 245);

  g= (random(100)+132);

  // use frameCount and noise to change the blue color component
  b = 155 - noise(1 + frameCount * 0.025) * 255;

  // use frameCount and noise to change the radius
  radius = noise(frameCount * 0.05) * 4;

  color c = color(r, g, b,(random(50)+50));
  ellipse(x, y, radius, radius);


this is my attempt to insert this over a video,


Movie myMovie; 
float x;
float y;
float r, g, b, radius;
int timer;

PGraphics topLayer;
boolean sketchFullScreen() {
  return true;

void setup() 
  size(960, 540); 
  myMovie = new Movie(this, ""); 
  topLayer = createGraphics(width, height);
  frame.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(0,0,0));

void movieEvent(Movie myMovie) 

void draw() 

  image(myMovie, 0,0, width, height);

  // use frameCount to move x, use modulo to keep it within bounds
  y = frameCount % height;

  // use millis() and a timer to change the y every 2 seconds
  if (millis() - timer >= 6000+(random(2000)-2000)) {
    x = random(width);
    timer = millis();

  r = (random(10) + 245);

  g= (random(100)+132);

  b = 155 - noise(1 + frameCount * 0.025) * 255;

  radius = noise(frameCount * 0.05) * 4;

  color c = color(r, g, b,(random(50)+50));

  topLayer.ellipse(x, y, radius, radius);

  image( topLayer, 0, 0 );



any help appreciated!


  • edited November 2013

    There is no problem. It is just working fine on my system. I am using procesing 2.0.x on windows 7 64 bit system. It shows the drips pretty well but all in black color.

    Try running your code on others system

  • Thanks for the reply.. I'd like them to appear as per the first sketch (like orange paint drips) It was the loss of colour info, and i think transparency that I don't understand. Why are they black?

  • Answer ✓

    Okay just add topLayer.noStroke(); just before the topLayer.ellipse(x,y,radius,radius); 8-X . Actually the ellipse drawn are so small so they get covered by the stroke with default size, which is one pixel and black color.

          Movie myMovie; 
          float x;
          float y;
          float r, g, b, radius;
          int timer;
          PGraphics topLayer;
          //boolean sketchFullScreen() {
          //  return true;
          void setup() 
            size(960, 540); 
            myMovie = new Movie(this, "2.mp4"); 
            topLayer = createGraphics(width, height);
            frame.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(0,0,0));
          void movieEvent(Movie myMovie) 
          void draw() 
            image(myMovie, 0,0, width, height);
            // use frameCount to move x, use modulo to keep it within bounds
            y = frameCount % height;
            // use millis() and a timer to change the y every 2 seconds
            if (millis() - timer >= 6000+(random(2000)-2000)) {
              x = random(width);
              timer = millis();
            r = (random(10) + 245);
            g= (random(100)+132);
            b = 155 - noise(1 + frameCount * 0.025) * 255;
            radius = noise(frameCount * 0.05) * 40; // change the size so that you see the changes
            color c = color(r, g, b,(random(50)+50));
            topLayer.noStroke(); // add nostroke becasue of this all ellipse has black outline and ellipse were so small to see the fill 
            topLayer.ellipse(x, y, radius, radius);
            image( topLayer, 0, 0 );
  • Thanks! much appreciated.

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