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In Instance Mode, how do I write events function ? For example, I do not know how to write "mousePressed" in this code (Instance Mode): This is not explained in this reference page: http://p5js.org/learn/examples/Instance_Mode_Instantiation.php
var sketch1 = function( p ) { var x = 100; var y = 100; var myColor = 127; p.setup = function() { p.createCanvas(700, 410); }; p.draw = function() { p.background(0); p.fill(myColor); p.rectMode(p.CENTER); p.rect(p.mouseX,p.mouseY,50,50); }; //HERE !!! HERE !!! HERE !!! HERE !!! HERE !!! HERE !!! HERE !!! : // p.mousePressed = function() {... ??? // p.mousePressed() = function() {... ??? // mousePressed = p.function() {... ??? };
I found the Answer here: https://github.com/processing/p5.js/wiki/Instantiation-Cases
I've helped to re-edit the examples there too! ^_^