Using Processing
General discussion around Processing: installation, usage of the PDE, etc.
Do not ask programming questions in this category, use the sub-categories instead.
Child Categories
Questions about programming with Processing.
If the question can be formulated with a "how to", go to this category instead.
If you already have some code, go to the "Questions about code" category.
1.3K discussions
If your sketch uses a library you had to install, ask your question here.
4K discussions
If your program uses some hardware, communicates with another software, or is written in another programming language (except JavaScript), ask your question here.
791 discussions
Processing supports different running modes. If your question is about using a mode (not the default Java one!), ask it here.
60 discussions
For questions about the Processing Tools.
Can also be used for questions about other IDEs like Eclipse, NetBeans, etc.
100 discussions
General category for discussion in Spanish
5 discussions