I was going to just write you a small example program but thing kinda got out of hand... good exercise though!
Anyways here's one way you can do it:
Code:class Point{
public float x;
public float y;
public Point(float nx,float ny){
x = nx;
y = ny;
class Line{
//every line is a list of connected points
public ArrayList listOfPoints;
public color c;
public boolean selected;
public Line(){
listOfPoints = new ArrayList();
selected = false;
//Every line is given a random color with low alpha so that
//1) you can tell them apart and 2) the selected onces will be more visible when selected
c = color(random(255),random(255),random(255),100);
public void drawLine(){
// A line needs two points to be a line....
if(listOfPoints.size() >=2){
stroke(255,0,0,255);//full red
for(int i = 0; i<listOfPoints.size();i++){
Point currentPoint = (Point)listOfPoints.get(i);
public void addPointToLine(float x,float y){
//Note: there is no sorting going on, so every point will be connected to the previously added point
listOfPoints.add(new Point(x,y));
ArrayList lines;
float selectionStartX;
float selectionStartY;
void setup(){
lines = new ArrayList();
//Create 10 lines with 10 random points
//this should give you an idea of how lines are created
for(int l = 0;l<10;l++){
Line temp = new Line();
for(int p = 0;p<10;p++){
void draw(){
//if the mouse is pressed then we want to draw a selection rectangle
for(int i = 0;i<lines.size();i++){
Line currentLine = (Line)lines.get(i);
void mousePressed(){
selectionStartX = mouseX;
selectionStartY = mouseY;
void mouseReleased(){
//Run the line select code
//The cordinates that are passed to the function must be top-left x&y and bottom right x&y
//So we need to take care of the senario where there mouse is draged in a direction that isn't right-down
if(mouseX <selectionStartX && mouseY < selectionStartY){
}else if(mouseX <selectionStartX){
}else if(mouseY < selectionStartY){
void selectLines(float x1,float y1,float x2,float y2){
for(int l = 0; l < lines.size();l++){
Line currentLine = (Line)lines.get(l);
currentLine.selected = false; //reset every line
for(int p = 0; p< currentLine.listOfPoints.size()-1;p++){
//a line need two points to be a line! also becouse we are doing .get(p+1) we are stopping the iteration at .size()-1;
Point currentPoint = (Point)currentLine.listOfPoints.get(p);
Point nextPoint = (Point)currentLine.listOfPoints.get(p+1);
currentLine.selected = true;
//the line is selected - no need to keep looking at it's remaining points so we BREAK!
// As it turns out i didn't know how to do line-text collision detection (only knew how to do point-rect) so here's REAS code on how to do it,
//slighly modified though :D
// Code from REAS:
// http://www.openprocessing.org/portal/?userID=54
boolean lineRectangleIntersect(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2,
float rx1, float ry1, float rx2, float ry2) {
float topIntersection;
float bottomIntersection;
float topPoint;
float bottomPoint;
// Calculate m and c for the equation for the line (y = mx+c)
float m = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1);
float c = y1 -(m*x1);
// If the line is going up from right to left then the top intersect point is on the left
if(m > 0) {
topIntersection = (m*rx1 + c);
bottomIntersection = (m*(rx2) + c);
// Otherwise it's on the right
else {
topIntersection = (m*(rx2) + c);
bottomIntersection = (m*rx1 + c);
// Work out the top and bottom extents for the triangle
if(y1 < y2) {
topPoint = y1;
bottomPoint = y2;
else {
topPoint = y2;
bottomPoint = y1;
float topOverlap;
float botOverlap;
// Calculate the overlap between those two bounds
topOverlap = topIntersection > topPoint ? topIntersection : topPoint;
botOverlap = bottomIntersection < bottomPoint ? bottomIntersection : bottomPoint;
return (topOverlap<botOverlap) && (!((botOverlap<ry1) || (topOverlap>ry2)));