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Getting received data stored in Processing? (Read 1430 times)
Getting received data stored in Processing?
May 24th, 2010, 2:38pm

I have an Arduino with a compass module that I am getting data from with this code (this is the code loaded onto the robot):


#include <Wire.h>
int HMC6352Address = 0x42;
// This is calculated in the setup() function
int slaveAddress;
int ledPin = 13;
boolean ledState = false;
byte headingData[2];
int i, headingValue;
void setup()
// Shift the device's documented slave address (0x42) 1 bit right
// This compensates for how the TWI library only wants the
// 7 most significant bits (with the high bit padded with 0)
slaveAddress = HMC6352Address >> 1; // This results in 0x21 as the address to pass to TWI
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // Set the LED pin as output
void loop()
// Flash the LED on pin 13 just to show that something is happening
// Also serves as an indication that we're not "stuck" waiting for TWI data
ledState = !ledState;
if (ledState) {
// Send a "A" command to the HMC6352
// This requests the current heading data
Wire.send("A"); // The "Get Data" command
delay(10); // The HMC6352 needs at least a 70us (microsecond) delay
// after this command. Using 10ms just makes it safe
// Read the 2 heading bytes, MSB first
// The resulting 16bit word is the compass heading in 10th's of a degree
// For example: a heading of 1345 would be 134.5 degrees
Wire.requestFrom(slaveAddress, 2); // Request the 2 byte heading (MSB comes first)
i = 0;
while(Wire.available() && i < 2)
headingData[i] = Wire.receive();
headingValue = headingData[0]*256 + headingData[1]; // Put the MSB and LSB together
Serial.print("Current heading: ");
Serial.print(int (headingValue / 10)); // The whole number part of the heading
Serial.print(int (headingValue % 10)); // The fractional part of the heading
Serial.println(" degrees");

How would I get the heading value stored into a processing sketch via Bluetooth?

Here's a snippet of my Processing sketch method that creates the serial connection via bluetooth:


void initializeSerial()
//Print serial data and create myPort, the port used for hardware connection

String portName = Serial.list()[0];
myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 115200);

if (portName == null)
println("portName is null!!!");

I need someway to get the heading value into this program. How do I do this?
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