William Renwick
YaBB Newbies
Posts: 5
Combining slit-scanning with motiontracking.
May 12th , 2010, 8:21am
Hi, basically i am new to this, and am doing a study into capturing movement in unusual ways, looking to implement an installation at my degree show in june. I basically want to combine these two codes, or know if it's even possible i have tried, but to no avail. Any help/advice would be greatly appriciated. Motion tracking source code: import processing.video.*; /* * @author andrewwright * andrew@snepo.com */ int W = 640; int H = 480; color pColor; Capture cam; int res = 2; int thresh = 20; color[] buffer; void setup() { size ( W, H ); background(0); buffer = new color[W * H]; cam = new Capture(this, W, H); } void captureEvent(Capture cam) { cam.read(); } void draw() { sampleAndPaint(); swapBuffer(); } void sampleAndPaint() { fill(0, 10); rect(0, 0, W, H); for ( int i = 0; i < W; i+= res ) { for ( int j = 0; j < H; j+=res ) { int offset = i + j * W; color c = cam.pixels[offset]; color r = buffer[offset]; float cB = brightness(c); float rB = brightness(r); float delta = abs ( cB - rB ); if ( delta > thresh ) { fill ( 0, 255, 0 ); noStroke(); rect ( i, j, res, res ); } } } } void swapBuffer() { arrayCopy(cam.pixels, buffer); } Slit-Scanning code: import processing.video.*; MovieMaker movie; boolean rec; int n; int varZero; int prevN; int prevZero; int numPixels; int prevPixels; int[] prevLines; Capture video; void setup(){ size(320, 240); frameRate = 30; video = new Capture(this, width, height, 72); numPixels = video.width * video.height; //Sets the number of pixels to be stored using //an algebric progression formula related //to the number of lines to be stored. prevPixels = ((numPixels*(height+1))/2); //Sets the array to store these pixels. prevLines = new int[prevPixels]; movie = new MovieMaker(this, width, height, "rybczynski.mov", 72, MovieMaker.ANIMATION, MovieMaker.LOSSLESS); //Sets the movie recording function off by default. rec=false; loadPixels(); noStroke(); } void draw(){ if (video.available()){ video.read(); video.loadPixels(); //For each line of the image: for (int y=1; y<height; y++){ //Declares the value of 'n', which will be used to index //to which of the "lines" stored for line 'y' shall the software //access to store current frame's line 'y'. n=(frameCount%y); //Indexes to the begining of the "line" in which to store //the current frame's line 'y' using an algebric progression //formula based on 'y' var and the indexing gave by 'n' var. varZero= round((n*width)+(((sq(y)+y)*width)/2)); //Declares the value of 'prevN'. This var will //index to stored "line" the software shall //read to display at current frame's line 'y'. prevN=((frameCount-(y-1))%y); //Indexes to the begining of the "line" that the software //shall read to display currently at line 'y'. Uses the //same process of varZero expression, but with other vars. prevZero=round((prevN*width) +(((sq(y)+y)*width)/2)); //For each pixel in line 'y': for (int i=1; i<width; i++){ //Declares a 'ind' var based on 'y' and 'i' //to index the displayed pixels. int ind=((y*width)+i); //Stores each pixel of line 'y' of current frame //captured from real-time video. prevLines[varZero+i]= video.pixels[ind]; //Reads and displays the proper line of pixels from //the data stored. pixels[ind]=prevLines[prevZero+i]; } } updatePixels(); if (rec==true){ movie.addFrame(); } } } void keyPressed (){ //If SPACE key is pressed and recording is off, turn it on. if (key==' ' && rec==false){ rec=true; println("REC"); } //If SPACE key is pressed and recording is on, turn it off. else if (key==' ' && rec==true){ rec=false; println("PAUSE"); } //If ESCAPE key is pressed, finish movie. else if (key==ESC){ movie.finish(); println("STOP"); } }