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Processing: bad habits in programming (Read 5254 times)
Processing: bad habits in programming
May 2nd, 2010, 5:38pm

What is the best way to learn programming? To start learn how to programme in Processing or just jump into the deep water and learn Java? I've heard that learning Processing will teach me bad habits in programming. Is it true?

PS. I have very little knowledge about programming. I know basic things like arrays, variables, statements and so on but how to put all this things together is kind of black magic for me now.
Re: Processing: bad habits in programming
Reply #1 - May 2nd, 2010, 11:47pm
If you don't know Java, then you have bad habits already Wink

Processing can help you improve your programming skills without having to deal with IDE configuration issues, or to understand everything about Swing before having a simple window displayed on screen.

I think it's a great tool to learn programming, actually.
Re: Processing: bad habits in programming
Reply #2 - May 3rd, 2010, 1:25am
antiplastik wrote on May 2nd, 2010, 11:47pm:
If you don't know Java, then you have bad habits already Wink

Quite a bold statement! Grin
A good Python programmer might do some errors when starting with Processing, but at least he will have a good base for OOP and general good programming practices...  Smiley

I've heard that learning Processing will teach me bad habits in programming. Is it true

You can horrible code in Processing, sometime we see that in this forum... Wink But we (experienced programmers) are here to point out such problems and try and teach how to fix these problems. So don't be afraid to dive in, we will maintain you afloat...  Cool

Perhaps the rumor comes from the fact that Processing transforms an object oriented language (Java) to a procedural one (you can write code without classes, using only some functions).
I come from the procedural world (having coded a lot in C) so I don't see that as a bad practice...
At least for small to medium complexity sketches.
Now, when you start to have several arrays of global data of same length to keep data of several entities, it is probably time to look into classes and some other OOP concepts.

The nice thing with Processing is that it doesn't force you to OOP paradigm, and it allows you to progressively add it if you want/need it.
Re: Processing: bad habits in programming
Reply #3 - May 3rd, 2010, 2:19am
This is a nice topic for discussion, that usually ends in flame wars. Its a pity that ruby-processing and pyprocessing aren't more mature, then you would not even have to worry about learning java, which is way too complex. What you probably want at first is something that you can get to work (it is rewarding/satisfying), which is why processing is the answer, just don't get stuck in a rut. Wink
Re: Processing: bad habits in programming
Reply #4 - May 7th, 2010, 8:12pm
Along the lines of the initial question, I was wondering if anyone had used Processing for teaching Computer Science in a High School environment..  

I've just spent a year with Java, and there are frustrated students and teacher..  Java is much to challenging for someone who has no programming experience.  Processing looks like the in-between tool I need, to bridge to Java.

Has anyone developed a curriculum or is this new ground?
Re: Processing: bad habits in programming
Reply #5 - May 8th, 2010, 9:52am
What is the best way to learn programming? To start learn how to programme in Processing or just jump into the deep water and learn Java? I've heard that learning Processing will teach me bad habits in programming. Is it true?

It might... but if you try to learn Java from the start as your first programming language you'll probably give up in frustration (see Bill's post above).  

I would suggest learning Processing with the PDE until you're comfortable writing moderately-complex programs, and then switch to using Eclipse to write Processing programs.  That will sort of ease you into the wider world of Java while still giving you a familiar environment to work with.
Re: Processing: bad habits in programming
Reply #6 - May 9th, 2010, 10:18am
I have been persuaded to jump in.  Thanks!
Re: Processing: bad habits in programming
Reply #7 - May 9th, 2010, 9:41pm

"...Along the lines of the initial question, I was wondering if anyone had used Processing for teaching Computer Science in a High School environment.."

NSF recently funded a project I'm involved with to develop a CS I course/curriculum using Processing. AND, there have been numerous other CS instructors around the country who have more informally tried it–with apparently very good results. The biggest challenge seems to be getting colleagues ("the entrenched traditionalists") on-board. As we develop materials and/or have any results to share,we'll post to the board.
Re: Processing: bad habits in programming
Reply #8 - May 14th, 2010, 8:50pm
I teach Programming I and II at a small college. I have taught Java, Scheme and Ruby over the years and this last 2 quarters I used Processing. It worked out great. The nice thing is that students can do something visual and get immediate feedback. I had them doing some complex 3D manipulations the other day. They get to be successful without some of the overhead that some languages impose. I had a mix of IT students and Computer Engineering students. The engineering students progressed very fast and did some cool things. They will be served well as they are expected to know C and using Processing in a non-OO way gives them a leg up in learning that.

As long as you teach "first principles" with regards to programming, it really should not matter which language you are teaching. But the simple nature of Processing and the immediate feedback helps with student success.

I will be using Processing next year again.
Re: Processing: bad habits in programming
Reply #9 - May 18th, 2010, 12:04pm
On the subject of teaching, learning and 'bad habits in programming', I notice that quite regularly we get postings on this forum that are clearly from students asking for help with their assignments. Some are quite blatantly passing on their assignment question without much effort to do some work first.

I wonder what people's attitudes are to how to respond to such queries and where we should draw the line between generalised support and providing specific answers to assignment-related questions. As a teacher, I am sometimes a little uneasy about the willingness of people to respond to these requests (while accepting not everyone does this). But when it happens, it gives the students involved an unfair advantage over those who do not get such help, without necessarily increasing the student's understanding.

I ask this because I will be teaching Data Visualization using Processing next semester and am wondering to what extent I should encourage students to visit this forum as part of their learning.
Re: Processing: bad habits in programming
Reply #10 - May 18th, 2010, 12:27pm
The thread Does anyone have a code for PacMan Level Editor is a good example of what you point out. TfGuy44 used to jump on these opportunities to code, but now is just giving hints. In general, people detect these assignment questions and ask for preliminary code before starting to help.
Re: Processing: bad habits in programming
Reply #11 - May 18th, 2010, 4:23pm
I don't think people in a forum like this should worry about students' assignments in one way or the other. This is the job of the teacher - and if the assignment can be easily done by asking in a forum, maybe the type of asignment should be changed.

Also, I think for self-learning the forum is best when it contains code examples that were done for fun, rather than being tweaked to follow a certain teaching concept.

Re: Processing: bad habits in programming
Reply #12 - May 19th, 2010, 11:41am
Processing Educators may be interested in joining this Google group:
(It could use some reenergizing.)

Also, maybe it's time for a P3 Conference (Programming + Pedagogy + Processing)?
Re: Processing: bad habits in programming
Reply #13 - May 19th, 2010, 7:21pm
This is an interesting discussion.. I am interested in learning Java myself. So far from what I read I learned that I already have the bad habits..  Grin LOL.
Anyways, I'll strive hard to erase this bad habit.  Wink
Re: Processing: bad habits in programming
Reply #14 - May 23rd, 2010, 6:33pm
I'm playing around with both Processing and Java and find Processing a bit more intuitive. Good stuff overall.  Cheesy
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