Hello All,
I have a pretty simple question. I am trying to figure something fairly basic out with the Opencv face tracking script. I am replacing the rectangle with random images. But somehow the image placement takes place in a loop so instead of replacing each face with a random image, it is going through the array randomly and showing all the faces. I can't figure out how to make it select one face from the array and keep it there until another face is detected.
I know why it is running the loop (to do the resizing), but am not sure how else to do it. Thanks!
Code:import hypermedia.video.*;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
OpenCV opencv;
// contrast/brightness values
int contrast_value = 0;
int brightness_value = 0;
PImage[] images = new PImage[4];
void setup() {
size( 640, 480 );
opencv = new OpenCV( this );
opencv.capture( width, height ); // open video stream
opencv.cascade( OpenCV.CASCADE_FRONTALFACE_ALT ); // load detection description, here-> front face detection : "haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml"
for ( int i = 0; i< images.length; i++ )
images[i] = loadImage( "monster" + i + ".png" );
public void stop() {
void draw() {
opencv.contrast( contrast_value );
opencv.brightness( brightness_value );
// proceed detection
Rectangle[] faces = opencv.detect( 1.2, 2, OpenCV.HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, 40, 40 );
// display the image
image( opencv.image(), 0, 0 );
// draw face area(s)
int index = int(random(images.length));
for( int i=0; i<faces.length; i++ ) {
image(images[index], faces[i].x, faces[i].y, faces[i].width,faces[i].height);