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embed video with alpha channel (Read 510 times)
embed video with alpha channel
Apr 22nd, 2010, 10:19am
hi folks,
I'm a newb to processing, so i have watched and read some tutorials and i think it's quite an easy language.
but now i've got a big problem and couldn't find any help.

i want to use mov videos in my project, that i've created with after effects.
they have a transparent background. i exported them with rgb+alpha channel and wanted to add them into the processing environment.

but in there they have a black background, i couldn't get rid off.
is there any possibility to load the transparancy in or is there some kind of colour-mask-filter?

please help me!

here's the code i've made so far.


import processing.video.*;

Movie blob;
PImage keys;

void setup() {
size(1000, 500, P2D);
blob = new Movie(this, "blob02.mov");
keys = loadImage("keys01.jpg");
image(keys, 0, 0);


void movieEvent(Movie blob)

void draw()
if (mousePressed == true) {
image(blob, mouseX - blob.width/2, mouseY - blob.height/2); }
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