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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › Objects and, animations and, 2D arrays... Oh My!
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Objects and, animations and, 2D arrays... Oh My! (Read 359 times)
Objects and, animations and, 2D arrays... Oh My!
Apr 19th, 2010, 7:14pm
Hi everyone. Fair warning I am a total programming newb.

As such, I foolishly dove head first into object oriented programming with 2 dimensional arrays thrown in for flavor… with no idea whatsoever how hard it was going to be…

This is a simple balloon popping game.  Once the balloon is popped a three frame long gif sequence is supposed to play as the balloon falls…

As it stands popping a balloon will cause the game to crash…

Also, I've been trying to figure out where to use the remove() function, so that a balloon instance will be removed if it either rises above or falls below the margins of the stage.

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated...



   PImage bkg;
   PImage gsight;
   PImage blln[] = new PImage[5];
   int numframes = 3;
   int numclrs = 5;
   int clrs = 0;
   int frame = 0;
   PImage[][] pop = new PImage[numclrs][numframes];
   float hit = 1;
   int score = 1;
   int numballoon = 1;
   float ballscale;
   ArrayList balloonList = new ArrayList();
   boolean drawyn = true;
   PFont scorefont;
     void setup()
     bkg = loadImage("sky_2.jpg");
     blln[0] = loadImage("b_balloon.gif");
     blln[1] = loadImage("g_balloon.gif");
     blln[2] = loadImage("p_balloon.gif");
     blln[3] = loadImage("r_balloon.gif");
     blln[4] = loadImage("y_balloon.gif");
     PImage pop[][] = {
     gsight = loadImage("gun_sight.png");
     scorefont = loadFont("HoboStd-36.vlw");
   void skymaker(color mycolor, color mycolor2)
     for(float i = 0.00; i<height;i++)
         int rfill=int((i/height)*(red(mycolor) - red(mycolor2))+red(mycolor2));
         int gfill=int((i/height)*(green(mycolor) - green(mycolor2))+green(mycolor2));
         int bfill=int((i/height)*(blue(mycolor) - blue(mycolor2))+blue(mycolor2));
         color fillcolor = color(rfill,gfill,bfill);
   //--------------------------------------balloon class
   class Balloon
       boolean popped;
       float x;
       float y;
       int speed;
       float lr = random(-1,1);
       int clrs = round(random(0,4));
        popped = false;
        float xrand = random(20, 500-blln[clrs].width);
        speed = round(random(2,4));
        x = xrand;
        y = 500;
     void drawBalloon()
             for(int clrs =0; clrs<=4; clrs++)
                 for(int frame=0; frame<=2; frame++)
                  image(pop[clrs][frame], x, y);
            //println("I'm Hit!");
         //println("I'm Drawing!");
       boolean overBalloon(int width, int height)
         if (mouseX >= x && mouseX <= x+width && mouseY >= y && mouseY <= y+height)
           return true;
           return false;
     void chkOver()
         if(overBalloon(100, 100))
         popped = true;
         numballoon = round(random(1, sqrt(hit)));
         if (score>100)
           hit = 0;
         else if(score>50)
           hit = (hit+0.10);
         else if(score>5)
           hit= (hit+0.10);
           hit = hit;
         score = (score +1);
         text("+1",x + 5, y+10);
     void rise()
         y = y-speed;  
     void fall()
         y = y + 20;
   //--------------------------------gunsight class
   //---------------------------------balloon shoot
   void drawAll()
   int any = round(hit);
     for(int i = 0; i<any; i++)
       balloonList.add(new Balloon());
       drawyn = false;
   void draw()
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