YaBB Newbies
Posts: 2
Objects and, animations and, 2D arrays... Oh My!
Apr 19th , 2010, 7:14pm
Hi everyone. Fair warning I am a total programming newb. As such, I foolishly dove head first into object oriented programming with 2 dimensional arrays thrown in for flavor… with no idea whatsoever how hard it was going to be… This is a simple balloon popping game. Once the balloon is popped a three frame long gif sequence is supposed to play as the balloon falls… As it stands popping a balloon will cause the game to crash… Also, I've been trying to figure out where to use the remove() function, so that a balloon instance will be removed if it either rises above or falls below the margins of the stage. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated... [quote] PImage bkg; PImage gsight; PImage blln[] = new PImage[5]; int numframes = 3; int numclrs = 5; int clrs = 0; int frame = 0; PImage[][] pop = new PImage[numclrs][numframes]; float hit = 1; int score = 1; int numballoon = 1; float ballscale; ArrayList balloonList = new ArrayList(); boolean drawyn = true; PFont scorefont; void setup() { size(500,500); frameRate(30); bkg = loadImage("sky_2.jpg"); blln[0] = loadImage("b_balloon.gif"); blln[1] = loadImage("g_balloon.gif"); blln[2] = loadImage("p_balloon.gif"); blln[3] = loadImage("r_balloon.gif"); blln[4] = loadImage("y_balloon.gif"); PImage pop[][] = { {loadImage("b_balloon0000.gif"),loadImage("b_balloon0001.gif"),loadImage("b_bal loon0002.gif")}, {loadImage("g_balloon0000.gif"),loadImage("g_balloon0001.gif"),loadImage("g_bal loon0002.gif")}, {loadImage("p_balloon0000.gif"),loadImage("p_balloon0001.gif"),loadImage("p_bal loon0002.gif")}, {loadImage("r_balloon0000.gif"),loadImage("r_balloon0001.gif"),loadImage("r_bal loon0002.gif")}, {loadImage("y_balloon0000.gif"),loadImage("y_balloon0001.gif"),loadImage("y_bal loon0002.gif")} }; blln[0].resize(90,90); blln[1].resize(90,90); blln[2].resize(90,90); blln[3].resize(90,90); blln[4].resize(90,90); pop[0][0].resize(90,90); pop[0][1].resize(90,90); pop[0][2].resize(90,90); pop[1][0].resize(90,90); pop[1][1].resize(90,90); pop[1][2].resize(90,90); pop[2][0].resize(90,90); pop[2][1].resize(90,90); pop[2][2].resize(90,90); pop[3][0].resize(90,90); pop[3][1].resize(90,90); pop[3][2].resize(90,90); pop[4][0].resize(90,90); pop[4][1].resize(90,90); pop[4][2].resize(90,90); gsight = loadImage("gun_sight.png"); scorefont = loadFont("HoboStd-36.vlw"); drawAll(); } void skymaker(color mycolor, color mycolor2) { for(float i = 0.00; i<height;i++) { int rfill=int((i/height)*(red(mycolor) - red(mycolor2))+red(mycolor2)); int gfill=int((i/height)*(green(mycolor) - green(mycolor2))+green(mycolor2)); int bfill=int((i/height)*(blue(mycolor) - blue(mycolor2))+blue(mycolor2)); color fillcolor = color(rfill,gfill,bfill); fill(fillcolor); noStroke(); rect(0,i,width,1); } } //--------------------------------------balloon class class Balloon { boolean popped; float x; float y; int speed; float lr = random(-1,1); int clrs = round(random(0,4)); Balloon() { popped = false; float xrand = random(20, 500-blln[clrs].width); speed = round(random(2,4)); x = xrand; y = 500; } void drawBalloon() { if(this.popped==true) { this.fall(); for(int clrs =0; clrs<=4; clrs++) { for(int frame=0; frame<=2; frame++) { image(pop[clrs][frame], x, y); } } //println("I'm Hit!"); } else { this.rise(); image(blln[clrs],x,y); //println("I'm Drawing!"); } } boolean overBalloon(int width, int height) { if (mouseX >= x && mouseX <= x+width && mouseY >= y && mouseY <= y+height) { return true; } else { return false; } } void chkOver() { if(overBalloon(100, 100)) { popped = true; numballoon = round(random(1, sqrt(hit))); drawyn=true; if (score>100) { hit = 0; } else if(score>50) { hit = (hit+0.10); } else if(score>5) { hit= (hit+0.10); } else { hit = hit; } score = (score +1); //println(); text("+1",x + 5, y+10); } } void rise() { y = y-speed; //println(x); } void fall() { y = y + 20; //println(y); } } //--------------------------------gunsight class //---------------------------------balloon shoot void drawAll() { int any = round(hit); //println(balloonList); for(int i = 0; i<any; i++) { balloonList.add(new Balloon()); } drawyn = false; } void draw() { //println(balloonList.size()