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AI tic tac toe game (with code but doesn't work..) (Read 908 times)
AI tic tac toe game (with code but doesn't work..)
Apr 19th, 2010, 4:10pm
PFont title, regular;
int gameState = 0;

void setup () {
 size(630, 500);
 title = createFont ("Bradley Hand ITC", 60);
 regular = createFont ("Bradley Hand ITC", 25);

void draw (){ //main method
 //title for the game, it will remain throughout the game, therefore, instead of clear screen, a white rectangle
 //will be drawn, the top starting from y=130
 textFont (title);
 text ("The Unbeatable", 110, 60);
 text ("Tic-Tac-Toe", 125, 125);

 if (gameState == 0)  {
   //introduction method invocation
   intro ();
 else if (gameState == 1)  {
 else if (gameState == 2)  {
 else if (gameState == 3){

} //end of main method

void gameLoop()  {
 gameState = 2;
 //declaring variables
 int games = 0, lost = 0;
 final char choice = chooseShape ();
 int[] [] play = new int [3] [3];

 //draws the board
 drawBoard (play, choice);

 //loop for the entire game
 //use another method to repeat game!
   //increment number of games counter

   //for loop for 9 turns
   for (int i = 1 ; i <= 9 ; i++) {
     //if the turn number and game number are both odd, or both even, it is the player's turn
     if ((i % 2 == 1 && games % 2 == 1) || (i % 2 == 0 && games % 2 == 0))
       play = playerTurn (play, choice);
     //or else it is the computer's turn
       play = compTurn (play, i);

     //draws the board at the end of each turn
     drawBoard (play, choice);

     //if the computer had won the game, increment number of games lost counter
     if (winGame (play)) {
       text ("You Lose!", 265, 460);
       delay (1000);

     //or if it is a tie game
     else if (i == 9 && !winGame (play)) {
       text ("Tie Game!", 265, 460);
       delay (1000);

   //reset board to 0
   for (int row = 0 ; row < 3 ; row++)
     for (int col = 0 ; col < 3 ; col++)
       play [row] [col] = 0;
 while (playAgain ()); //play again method

//intro method
void intro ()
 //clears bottom screen, starting from below the title
 fill (255);
 rect (0, 130, 640, 370);
 fill (0);

 //set font
 textFont (regular);

 //outputs the game instructions and controls
 text ("The objective of the game is to put three ", 100, 175);
 text ("of your signs in a row, column, or diagonal.", 100, 205);
 text ("Controls: ", 200, 250);
 text ("Up", 250, 280);
 text ("Down", 250, 310);
 text ("Left", 250, 340);
 text ("Right", 250, 370);
 text ("Enter", 250, 400);
 text ("'i'", 375, 280);
 text ("'k'", 375, 310);
 text ("'j'", 375, 340);
 text ("'l'", 375, 370);
 text ("'f'", 375, 400);

 //prompting input from user to continue
 text ("Press 'f' to continue", 200, 450);
 if(keyPressed)  {
   //exit only if the correct character is entered
   if (key == 'f')
     //tells the user how to get back to this screen
     text ("Press 'h' to access the help screen", 175, 490);

     //clear screen, leaving the title and the help access prompt
     fill (255);
     rect (0, 130, 640, 340);
     gameState = 1;
} //end of intro method

Re: AI tic tac toe game part 2
Reply #1 - Apr 19th, 2010, 4:11pm

//compTurn method, computer AI for playing the game
int[] [] compTurn (int[] [] play, int turn)
 //check first if the computer, then the player can win by a single turn,
 //if so win, or prevent the player from winning
 int sum = 0;
 for (int i = 1 ; i >= -1 ; i = i - 2)
   for (int row = 0 ; row < 3 ; row++)
     sum = play [row] [0] + play [row] [1] + play [row] [2];
     if (sum == 2 * i)
       for (int col = 0 ; col < 3 ; col++)
         if (play [row] [col] == 0)
           play [row] [col] = 1;

       return (play);

   for (int col = 0 ; col < 3 ; col++)
     sum = play [0] [col] + play [1] [col] + play [2] [col];
     if (sum == 2 * i)
       for (int row = 0 ; row < 3 ; row++)
         if (play [row] [col] == 0)
           play [row] [col] = 1;

       return (play);

   sum = play [0] [0] + play [1] [1] + play [2] [2];
   if (sum == 2 * i)
     for (int coordinate = 0 ; coordinate < 3 ; coordinate++)
       if (play [coordinate] [coordinate] == 0)
         play [coordinate] [coordinate] = 1;
     return (play);

   sum = play [2] [0] + play [1] [1] + play [0] [2];
   if (sum == 2 * i)
     for (int coordinate = 0 ; coordinate < 3 ; coordinate++)
       if (play [coordinate] [2 - coordinate] == 0)
         play [coordinate] [2 - coordinate] = 1;
     return (play);


 //if neither the computer nor the player could win right away,
 //the computer goes through a series of if statements to determine how to move
 //note, odd numbered turns are only possible when the computer goes first,
 //and even numbered turns are for when the player goes first

 //if this is the first turn
 if (turn == 1)
   //random corner or centre
   switch ((int) (Math.random () * 1 + 2))
   case 1:
     play [1] [1] = 1;
   case 2:
     switch ((int) (Math.random () * 4 + 1))
     case 1:
       play [0] [0] = 1;
     case 2:
       play [0] [2] = 1;
     case 3:
       play [2] [2] = 1;
     case 4:
       play [2] [0] = 1;
 //if second turn
 else if (turn == 2)
   if (play [1] [1] == -1)
     switch ((int) (Math.random () * 4 + 1))
     case 1:
       play [0] [0] = 1;
     case 2:
       play [0] [2] = 1;
     case 3:
       play [2] [2] = 1;
     case 4:
       play [2] [0] = 1;
     play [1] [1] = 1;
 //if third turn
 else if (turn == 3)
   if (play [1] [1] == 1)
     if (play [1] [0] == -1 || play [0] [1] == -1)
       play [0] [0] = 1;
     else if (play [2] [1] == -1 || play [1] [2] == -1)
       play [2] [2] = 1;
       while (true)
         switch ((int) (Math.random () * 4 + 1))
         case 1:
           if (play [0] [0] == 0)
             play [0] [0] = 1;
             return play;
         case 2:
           if (play [0] [2] == 0)
             play [0] [2] = 1;
             return play;
         case 3:
           if (play [2] [2] == 0)
             play [2] [2] = 1;
             return play;
         case 4:
           if (play [2] [0] == 0)
             play [2] [0] = 1;
             return play;
   else if (play [1] [1] == -1)
     if (play [0] [0] == 1)
       play [2] [2] = 1;
     else if (play [0] [2] == 1)
       play [2] [0] = 1;
     else if (play [2] [2] == 1)
       play [0] [0] = 1;
       play [0] [2] = 1;
   else if (play [1] [0] == 0 && play [0] [1] == 0 && play [1] [2] == 0 && play [2] [1] == 0)
     while (true)
       switch ((int) (Math.random () * 4 + 1))
       case 1:
         if (play [0] [0] == 0)
           play [0] [0] = 1;
           return play;
       case 2:
         if (play [0] [2] == 0)
           play [0] [2] = 1;
           return play;
       case 3:
         if (play [2] [2] == 0)
           play [2] [2] = 1;
           return play;
       case 4:
         if (play [2] [0] == 0)
           play [2] [0] = 1;
           return play;
   else if ((play [0] [0] == 1 && (play [0] [1] == -1 || play [1] [0] == -1)) || (play [0] [2] == 1 && (play [0] [1] == -1 || play [1] [2] == -1)) || (play [2] [2] == 1 && (play [2] [1] == -1 || play [1] [2] == -1)) || (play [2] [0] == 1 && (play [2] [1] == -1 || play [1] [0] == -1)))
     if ((play [0] [0] == 1 && play [1] [0] == -1) || (play [2] [2] == 1 && play [2] [1] == -1))
       play [0] [2] = 1;
     else if ((play [0] [0] == 1 && play [0] [1] == -1) || (play [2] [2] == 1 && play [1] [2] == -1))
       play [2] [0] = 1;
     else if ((play [0] [2] == 1 && play [0] [1] == -1) || (play [2] [0] == 1 && play [1] [0] == -1))
       play [2] [2] = 1;
       play [0] [0] = 1;
     if ((play [0] [0] == 1 && play [2] [1] == -1) || (play [2] [2] == 1 && play [1] [0] == -1))
       play [2] [0] = 1;
     else if ((play [0] [0] == 1 && play [1] [2] == -1) || (play [2] [2] == 1 && play [0] [1] == -1))
       play [0] [2] = 1;
     else if ((play [0] [2] == 1 && play [1] [0] == -1) || (play [2] [0] == 1 && play [0] [1] == -1))
       play [0] [0] = 1;
       play [2] [2] = 1;

Re: AI tic tac toe game (with code but doesn't work..)
Reply #2 - Apr 19th, 2010, 4:12pm
//if fourth turn
 else if (turn == 4)
   if ((play [0] [0] == -1 && play [2] [2] == -1) || (play [0] [2] == -1 && play [2] [0] == -1))
     play [1] [0] = 1;
   else if (play [1] [1] == -1)
     if (play [0] [0] == -1 && play [2] [2] == 1)
       play [0] [2] = 1;
     else if (play [0] [2] == -1 && play [2] [0] == 1)
       play [0] [0] = 1;
     else if (play [2] [2] == -1 && play [0] [0] == 1)
       play [0] [2] = 1;
       play [0] [0] = 1;
   else if (play [0] [0] == 0 && play [2] [0] == 0 && play [0] [2] == 0 && play [2] [2] == 0)
     if (play [0] [1] == -1 && play [1] [0] == -1)
       play [0] [0] = 1;
     else if (play [1] [0] == -1 && play [2] [1] == -1)
       play [2] [0] = 1;
     else if (play [2] [1] == -1 && play [1] [2] == -1)
       play [2] [2] = 1;
       play [0] [2] = 1;
     if (play [0] [0] == -1)
       play [2] [2] = 1;
     else if (play [0] [2] == -1)
       play [2] [0] = 1;
     else if (play [2] [2] == -1)
       play [0] [0] = 1;
       play [0] [2] = 1;

 //if fifth turn
 else if (turn == 5)
   if (play [0] [0] == 0 && play [1] [0] == 0 && play [0] [1] == 0)
     play [0] [0] = 1;
   else if (play [0] [2] == 0 && play [1] [2] == 0 && play [0] [1] == 0)
     play [0] [2] = 1;
   else if (play [2] [2] == 0 && play [1] [2] == 0 && play [2] [1] == 0)
     play [2] [2] = 1;
     play [2] [0] = 1;

 //if sixth turn
 else if (turn == 6)
   if (play [1] [1] == 1)
     if (play [0] [0] == 0)
       play [0] [0] = 1;
     else if (play [0] [2] == 0)
       play [0] [2] = 1;
     else if (play [2] [2] == 0)
       play [2] [2] = 1;
       play [2] [0] = 1;
     if (play [0] [0] == 1)
       if (play [0] [1] == 0)
         play [0] [1] = 1;
         play [1] [0] = 1;
     else if (play [0] [2] == 1)
       if (play [0] [1] == 0)
         play [0] [1] = 1;
         play [1] [2] = 1;
     else if (play [2] [2] == 1)
       if (play [2] [1] == 0)
         play [2] [1] = 1;
         play [1] [2] = 1;
       if (play [0] [1] == 0)
         play [0] [1] = 1;
         play [2] [1] = 1;


 //if seventh turn
 else if (turn == 7)
   while (true)
     switch ((int) (Math.random () * 4 + 1))
     case 1:
       if (play [1] [0] == 0)
         play [1] [0] = 1;
         return play;
     case 2:
       if (play [0] [1] == 0)
         play [0] [1] = 1;
         return play;
     case 3:
       if (play [1] [2] == 0)
         play [1] [2] = 1;
         return play;
     case 4:
       if (play [2] [1] == 0)
         play [2] [1] = 1;
         return play;

 //if eighth turn
 else if (turn == 8)
   for (int row = 0 ; row < 3 ; row++)
     for (int col = 0 ; col < 3 ; col++)
       if (play [row] [col] == 0)
         play [row] [col] = 1;
         return (play);

 //if last turn
 else if (turn == 9)
   for (int row = 0 ; row < 3 ; row++)
     for (int col = 0 ; col < 3 ; col++)
       if (play [row] [col] == 0)
         play [row] [col] = 1;
         return (play);
 //returns updated playing board
 return (play);
} //end of compTurn method
Re: AI tic tac toe game (with code but doesn't work..)
Reply #3 - Apr 19th, 2010, 4:12pm
char chooseShape ()
 char choice = 'X'; //x

 //set colour and font
 textFont (regular);

 //prompting input
 text ("Please choose your shape", 175, 200);
 drawBox (240, 250);
 drawShape (choice, 250, 260, true);
 drawShape (choice, 350, 260, false);

 //infinite loop that exits only when the user has chosen
   if(keyPressed)  {
     if (key == 'l' && choice == 'X') //x
       drawBox (340, 250);
       drawShape (choice, 250, 260, true);
       drawShape (choice, 350, 260, false);
       choice = 'X'; //o
       gameState = 2;
     else if (key == 'j' && choice == 'O') //o
       drawBox (240, 250);
       drawShape (choice, 250, 260, false);
       drawShape (choice, 350, 260, true);
       choice = 'O'; //x
       gameState = 2;
   return choice;
} //end of chooseShape method

//drawBox method, draws the selection box
void drawBox (int x, int y)
 rect (x, y, 50, 50);
} //end of drawBox method
Re: AI tic tac toe game (with code but doesn't work..)
Reply #4 - Apr 19th, 2010, 4:13pm
//playAgain method,
boolean playAgain ()
 gameState = 3;
 //declares variables
 boolean cont = true;

 //clear screen
 rect (0, 130, 640, 340);

 //set font
 textFont (regular);

 //prompt input
 text ("Would you like to play again?", 175, 200);
 drawBox (240, 250);
 text ("Yes", 245, 285);
 text ("No", 350, 285);

 //infinite loop for input
 if(keyPressed)  {
   if (key == 'f')
     gameState = 2;
   else if (key == 'l' && cont)
     rect (0, 250, 640, 100);
     drawBox (340, 250);
     text ("Yes", 245, 285);
     text ("No", 350, 285);
     cont = false;
   else if (key == 'j' && !cont)
     rect (0, 250, 640, 100);
     drawBox (240, 250);
     text ("Yes", 245, 285);
     text ("No", 350, 285);
     cont = true;
   else if (key == 'h')
     intro ();
     text ("Would you like to play again?", 175, 200);
     drawBox (240, 250);
     text ("Yes", 245, 285);
     text ("No", 350, 285);
     cont = true;
 return cont;
} //end of playAgain method

//playerTurn method
int[] [] playerTurn (int[] [] play, char choice)
 //variable declaration
 int row = 0, col = 0;

 //draws the board
 drawBoard (play, choice);
 drawBox (215, 215);

 //infinite loop for player input
 if (keyPressed)  {
   if (key == 'f' && (play [row] [col]) == 0)
     play [row] [col] = -1;
     return play;
   else if (key == 'k' && row != 2)
   else if (key == 'j' && col != 0)
   else if (key == 'l' && col != 2)
   else if (key == 'i' && row != 0)
   else if (key == 'h')
     intro ();
 drawBoard (play, choice);
 drawBox ((215 + 75 * col), (215 + 75 * row));
 return play;

//drawShape method
void drawShape (char choice, int x, int y, boolean player)
 //if it is not the player, draw the opposite symbol
 if (!player)
   if (choice == 'X') //x
     choice = 'X';
   else if (choice == 'O') //o
     choice = 'O';

 //set colour, draw symbol
 if (choice == 'X')  { //x
   for (int i = -2 ; i < 3 ; i++)
     line (x + i, y, x + i + 30, y + 30);
     line (x + i, y + 30, x + i + 30, y);
 else if (choice == 'O')  { //o
   ellipse (x + 15, y + 15, 40, 40);

//drawBoard method, draws the game board
void drawBoard (int[] [] play, char choice)
 //clear screen
 fill (255);
 rect (0, 130, 640, 300);
 fill (0);

 //draws the lines
 for (int i = -2 ; i < 3 ; i++)
   line (200, 275 + i, 425, 275 + i);
   line (200, 350 + i, 425, 350 + i);
   line (275 + i, 200, 275 + i, 425);
   line (350 + i, 200, 350 + i, 425);

 //nested for loop to access each value in 2D array play
 for (int row = 0 ; row < 3 ; row++)
   for (int col = 0 ; col < 3 ; col++)
     if (play [row] [col] == 1)
       drawShape (choice, (225 + col * 75), (225 + row * 75), false);
     else if (play [row] [col] == -1)
       drawShape (choice, (225 + col * 75), (225 + row * 75), true);
} //end of drawBoard method
Re: AI tic tac toe game (with code but doesn't work..)
Reply #5 - Apr 19th, 2010, 4:14pm
//winGame method, checks if the computer has beaten the player yet
boolean winGame (int[] [] play)
 //declaring variables
 boolean win = false;
 int sum = 0;

 //horizontal win
 for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
   sum = 0;
   for (int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++)
     sum += play [i] [j];

   if (sum == 3 && i == 0)
     drawRedLine (200, 242, 1);
     win = true;
   else if (sum == 3 && i == 1)
     drawRedLine (200, 317, 1);
     win = true;
   else if (sum == 3 && i == 2)
     drawRedLine (200, 392, 1);
     win = true;

 //vertical win
 for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
   sum = 0;
   for (int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++)
     sum += play [j] [i];

   if (sum == 3 && i == 0)
     drawRedLine (242, 200, 2);
     win = true;
   else if (sum == 3 && i == 1)
     drawRedLine (317, 200, 2);
     win = true;
   else if (sum == 3 && i == 2)
     drawRedLine (392, 200, 2);
     win = true;

 //diagonal win, top left to bottom right
 sum = 0;
 sum = play [0] [0] + play [1] [1] + play [2] [2];
 if (sum == 3)
   drawRedLine (0, 0, 3);
   win = true;

 //diagonal win, top right to bottom left
 sum = 0;
 sum = play [0] [2] + play [1] [1] + play [2] [0];
 if (sum == 3)
   drawRedLine (0, 0, 4);
   win = true;

 return (win);
} //end of winGame method

//drawRedLine method, draws the winning red line
void drawRedLine (int x, int y, int direction)
 stroke (255, 0, 0);
 switch (direction)
 case 1:
   for (int i = -2 ; i < 3 ; i++)
     line (x, y + i, x + 225, y + i);

 case 2:
   for (int i = -2 ; i < 3 ; i++)
     line (x + i, y, x + i, y + 225);

   //diagonal, top left to bottom right
 case 3:
   for (int i = -2 ; i < 3 ; i++)
     line (200 + i, 200, 425 + i, 425);

   //diagonal, top right to bottom left
 case 4:
   for (int i = -2 ; i < 3 ; i++)
     line (200 + i, 425, 425 + i, 200);
 fill (0);
} //end of drawRedLine method

Re: AI tic tac toe game (with code but doesn't work..)
Reply #6 - Apr 19th, 2010, 4:15pm
I really dun know where the problem is><..... i know it is a long one but please help me><!!
Re: AI tic tac toe game (with code but doesn't work..)
Reply #7 - Apr 19th, 2010, 10:36pm
Uh, for large code, you should use an external site, like Pastebin...
And we don't know either where the problem is, so a little description of the latter would help.
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