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IndexDiscussionExhibition › Another audio based procedural drawing sketch
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Another audio based procedural drawing sketch (Read 742 times)
Another audio based procedural drawing sketch
Apr 16th, 2010, 2:11pm
Im working an as yet untitled app to procedurally draw an abstract image using data from an audio track using minim

The drawing part makes use of the "drawing with particles" sketch by 01010101 http://openprocessing.org/visuals/?visualID=8785
as well as "fusion" by Shim Kyuin http://openprocessing.org/visuals/?visualID=8638

The user interacts with the sketch pretty simply by inverting the frame (colours being drawn dont invert), overlaying a copy of the frame using any blend mode (mirrors the x axis), blurring the frame, and overlaying a coloured layer


Ive posted a load of screenshots from various versions so far and more info here http://p.re-vision1.co.uk

Theres a couple of things i need help with:
* How can the applet save the frame if its running in the browser (and can you set the location)
* Can minim work the same way (including beat detection) using stereo mix instead of an mp3

And if any one has any suggestions for features or questions id be glad to hear/answer them

A demo will probably be on the way very soon
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