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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › NullPointerExeption error
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NullPointerExeption error (Read 1273 times)
NullPointerExeption error
Apr 14th, 2010, 2:36pm

I use the following code to send an image from my C328 camera to Processing.

I get the following error: nullpointerexeption

I use the following Processing code:


import processing.serial.*;

Serial myPort;
int i = 1;

String ImageFilename = "Photo_" + year() + "_" + day() + "_" + month() + "-" + hour() + "_" + minute() + "_" + second() + "_" + millis() + ".jpg";
int CharE = 69;
int CharO = 79;
int CharF = 70;
int TotalBytes = 0;

byte[] Photo = {

void setup()
 //Set and open serial port
 println( Serial.list() );
 myPort = new Serial( this, Serial.list()[1], 9600 );

void draw()
 // Import Picture
 byte[] buffer = new byte[64];

 while( myPort.available() > 0 )
   int readBytes = myPort.readBytes(buffer);

   //print( "Read " );
   //print( readBytes );
   //println( " bytes ..." );

   for( int i = 0; i < readBytes; i++ )

TotalBytes = TotalBytes + 1;

//print( "Read " );
//print( TotalBytes );
//println( " bytes in total ..." );

Photo = append( Photo, buffer[i] );

print( "PhotoArray contains: " );
println( " Elements..." );

if ( TotalBytes > 2 && Photo[TotalBytes-3] == CharE && Photo[TotalBytes-2] == CharO && Photo[TotalBytes-1] == CharF ){

 // Save picture to file
 if( Photo.length > 0 ) {
   print( "Writing to disk " );
   print( Photo.length );
   println( " bytes ..." );
   saveBytes( ImageFilename, Photo );
   println( "DONE!" );

   // Open Picture
   size(6400, 4800);
   PImage C328Image;
   C328Image = loadImage(ImageFilename);
   image(C328Image, 0, 0);

   //Clear the array
   Photo = null; // clear array

   //Clear totalbytes
   TotalBytes = 0;

   //Flush serial port



The error is executed on this line when a new picture is imported (2nd cycle):


Photo = append( Photo, buffer[i] );

Probably the problem is due to the fact that I try to clear the array using this line of code:


Photo = null; // clear array ????

Is this the problem? If yes, is there another way to clear/delete the array. Or is there something else wrong.....

Thanks in advance,

Re: NullPointerExeption error
Reply #1 - Apr 14th, 2010, 3:17pm

Photo = new byte[];

Rather than emptying the array I suspect that by assigning it to null you 'destroy' the array completely, meaning you're then unable to append anything to it.  By assigning it to a new empty array it should be ready to have new items appended...

Well - that's my hunch Wink
Re: NullPointerExeption error
Reply #2 - Apr 15th, 2010, 9:19am

Thanks for you reply Smiley

I've tried your suggestion but get the following error:

Variable must provide either dimension dimensions or an array initializer.

This is the original declared byte:


byte[] Photo = {

Should I use an arraylist?

Whats wrong?
Re: NullPointerExeption error
Reply #3 - Apr 15th, 2010, 9:50am
Sorry - my bad...  That should have been:

Photo = new byte[0]; 

Re: NullPointerExeption error
Reply #4 - Apr 15th, 2010, 9:52am
byte[] Photo = { 0 };
byte[] Photo = new byte[0];
Re: NullPointerExeption error
Reply #5 - Apr 15th, 2010, 10:27am
mmmmm strange thing is when the second picture is imported and I print Photo.length(); it's not empty. But continues from where it stopped.

It looks like:


byte[] Photo = { 0 };
byte[] Photo = new byte[0];

does not empty the array?


Strange, I've used this one:


Photo = new byte[0];

And everything works.........
Re: NullPointerExeption error
Reply #6 - Apr 15th, 2010, 12:38pm
I think if you declare the type again before 'resetting' the array (i.e. 'byte[] Photo =...' rather than 'Photo =...') then you're in fact creating a new 'Photo' array with local scope...
Re: NullPointerExeption error
Reply #7 - Apr 15th, 2010, 12:48pm
I was referring to the initial declaration, of course. I shown { 0 } syntax to highlight that it needs at least an element inside to be legal, but indeed it adds an initial value you might not want.
The new byte[0] actually declares a new array... of size zero, so an empty one.
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