The idea is great!
but i would like to add some ideas.
you are loading that information out of the xml file, i guess. and looks like you copied it frmo the reference.
It doesnt happen that often that i need to look in the reference but when i do, i actually does it because i need to know, how something is used and especially the examples are really helpful and i often quickly copy and paste them into my own code then.
so i this is just a thought, but wouldnt it be possible to make the little window a html browser, (
and just use the reference files that are already stored on your harddrive, or even online. It would probably have a lot of benefits.
you dont need to create the xml file . you dont have to keep your xml file up to date. you could probably use a different css file to remove the header/footer and all the stuff that is not needed, but still use the color and style formating. and people would probably still be able to copy and paste the text, what is really useful in my eyes.
Keep up the good work, i really like your tools !