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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpIntegration › P5 in Eclipse, using the PApplet as an GUI object
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P5 in Eclipse, using the PApplet as an GUI object (Read 1604 times)
P5 in Eclipse, using the PApplet as an GUI object
Apr 4th, 2010, 3:49pm
(I'm pretty advanced in Java and eclipse. I could compile my own p5 core.jar if needed, but I think overriding should have to do.)

So I want to use a PApplet merely as a object for a GUI. Not as an applet, but really in a window (presentation mode).
This is because I think running all your code from in the draw() method is a bit dirty, and because I think it's more intuitive otherwise.

If there is a completely other way of doing what I want to do, don't hesitate to tell me.

This is an example that would make clear what I want. but it doesn't work for reasons I don't know. I don't get any errors though.
I used the Stripe example (with classes) given in the Processing in Eclipse page to illustrate my problem.
The whole Stripe class is unchanged, it can be seen there, i will not rewrite it.


//the main method
public class Main {
public static void main(String args[]) {
new Run();


import processing.core.PApplet;

public class Run {
Stripe[] stripes = new Stripe[50]; //array of 50 strypes.
GUI gui = new GUI(); //GUI is a class that extends PApplet.

public Run(){
PApplet.main(new String[] { "GUI" }); //this inits the PApplet, it also runs the setup() method i presume.
gui.init(); //it could be that the setup would be run from here. but anyways, i've put noLoop() in setup() as you can see further. Because i think this is needed.

//construct all the stripes, the Stripes method is unchanged.
for (int i = 0; i < stripes.length; i++) {
stripes[i] = new Stripe(gui); //I give the reference of the GUI to Stripe, so it knows where it should draw.

//this would be a first drawing loop, but leaveable and more in other cases. unlike the draw loop
//actually, it allready fails here. the function does get called though. (if i'd be printing the gui.random(20) to the console, it gives a stream of random numbers.)

//this is more stuff that happens in the demo. it fails, but it's the same problem as above.
//as mentioned, the Stripe class is unchanged.
for (int i = 0; i < stripes.length; i++) {

//i guess something other would be needed here, but i tried a lot here.
//my biggest insight was that i would be able to make a PGraphics buffer to draw to and draw it to the screen in the draw() method using image(buffer, 0, 0), but it seems i can't even draw stuff in a PGraphics thingy outside the draw() method.


import processing.core.*;

public class GUI extends PApplet {
public void setup() {
size(300,200, P2D);
noLoop(); //i think this is needed.

//override the draw() method with an empty one because not doing so would terminate the program as you can see in the source of PApplet.java.
public void draw() {
Re: P5 in Eclipse, using the PApplet as an GUI object
Reply #1 - Apr 5th, 2010, 1:41am
I don't see how you use your Run class in your GUI (Swing, I presume).
But if you can't embed the PApplet directly, perhaps you can hide the sketch's window, draw on a PGraphics and use the Graphics2D to draw on your own frame, in a paint method.
A bit convoluted, I reckon...
Re: P5 in Eclipse, using the PApplet as an GUI object
Reply #2 - Apr 5th, 2010, 6:32am
PhiLho  wrote on Apr 5th, 2010, 1:41am:
I don't see how you use your Run class in your GUI (Swing, I presume).
But if you can't embed the PApplet directly, perhaps you can hide the sketch's window, draw on a PGraphics and use the Graphics2D to draw on your own frame, in a paint method.
A bit convoluted, I reckon...

i don't think that that would work. because then drawing stuff to a PGraphics in Run, and drawing it to the PApplet with GUI.draw(){image(buffer, 0, 0);} should have to work also. i don't think anything can get drawn on a PGraphics outside GUI.draw()...

i think the solution would be to turn of some safety, overriding a method...

besides, your method wouldn't allow me to use GUI.mouseX and stuff. :/

but thx for the reply, anything is welcome ;)
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