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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpOpenGL and 3D Libraries › .mov playback in opengl rederer
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.mov playback in opengl rederer (Read 1628 times)
.mov playback in opengl rederer
Apr 1st, 2010, 7:06am

I am trying to playback a .mov file in my sketch while using the openGL renderer. All i get is a big white square instead of my movie. When i use the P2D renderer everything works fine.

Can someone tell me why i can't use OpenGL?

Thanks in advance.
Re: .mov playback in opengl rederer
Reply #1 - Apr 2nd, 2010, 3:24am
It should work. Playing a movie is just like displaying an image.

Can you please post some code?
Re: .mov playback in opengl rederer
Reply #2 - Apr 6th, 2010, 3:13am
This was in the example folder:

import processing.video.*;
import processing.opengl.*;

Movie myMovie;

void setup() {
 size(640, 480, OPENGL);
 // Load and play the video in a loop
 myMovie = new Movie(this, "station.mov");

void movieEvent(Movie myMovie) {

void draw() {
 tint(255, 20);
 image(myMovie, mouseX-myMovie.width/2, mouseY-myMovie.height/2);

I included the opengl import statement and in the size() method I changed the P2D into OPENGL.

I hope you van explain. I do have found the jmcvideo library so, I am going to take a look at that as well.
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